Going alcohol free can be overwhelming. I've put together my most helpful resources to help you get started. Sign up for it here.


Hi, I'm Carly Benson -

I quit alcohol and cocaine in 2008. Little did I know this change would be the key to unlock a doorway into a life beyond my wildest dreams. I started this blog as a way to process my sober journey, but it quickly grew arms and legs. People started to reach out to me asking how I quit drinking without AA, treatment or identifying as an alcoholic. As people poured into my inbox, I knew I hit a cord. From there, I went on to become a certified Holistic Recovery Coach, Yoga Instructor, International Speaker and Course Creator.  Now, I spend my days working as Business Consultant and Mentor to other creators and coaches.

Nothing in life happens by chance. Everything happens for a purpose.
It comes down to what we choose to see.
I believe in MIRACLES. They are brewing all around us.

Let's rewind the tape...

For a decade, my life was jam packed, fully loaded with a party scene on constant repeat as if I had an IV of adrenaline directly connected to a brain that didn't think the word NO even existed. There was no place I wouldn't go or thing I wouldn't do to get my fix. Until my gaslight finally got stuck on empty one day. Utter exhaustion brought this party-go-lucky girl to a screeching halt.

One morning after a night of drug-filled oblivion and reckless alcohol consumption, which was followed by a whirlwind of dark, shattering thoughts, I made the decision to clean up my act. I'm not even sure how I made it out alive or unscathed with haunting DUI's and a wrap sheet to match. But I did. Miraculously so. The only viable explanation is that God and his angels were watching out for me so that I'd be led to that moment of truth and in turn this one.

Over the years, I've told my story to friends, family and even people I've just met. The first thing they always ask me is: How did you do it? How did you change your life?

It all started with a prayer…
I was able to create and sustain significant life change through faith, self-love and learning how to live intentionally by mindfully choosing to be alcohol-free.

In order to learn, we need to be open to the idea that it is an ongoing process. Not only is openness important for the learning curve, but it's equally important to have a dedication to valuing our experiences as necessary, treasured lessons.

I can tell you that you have not found this resource by accident. You found it because you were guided to it. Miraculously so. Whatever may be going on in your life or where ever you are on your path, your intuition led you right here. The universe, or God as I call it, would not have put this website on your screen for any other reason than your readiness for it's words.

I've come to the profound realization that many of us have truly been missing out on all that life has to offer. The vast amount of knowledge, information and like-minded people that are available to you, if you seek to find them, is mind-blowing. I have been on such an incredible awakening through journey into sobriety as I have been submerged and completely fascinated by the power of my spirit and how it has led me to realms, which I was deafly tuned out from before.

My days have been spent filling my mind with positivity and learning. I have researched, mined and discovered so many beautiful people with a true passion for life. Their transformational ideas and words are sometimes the only thing that got me through my day.

It has led me through an overall fine-tuning process that ultimately resulted in an equally burning desire to help others. I know I was given the miracle of sobriety to share it.

We all have an extreme choice to learn from the past rather than hold on to it or dwell in it. If you can clear the way from where you've been, it will give way to where you're going next. Introspection and reflection are key components to transformation. But you have to be willing to go inside that crazy head of yours and listen to your thoughts. Really tune in to your mind. Feel your heart. Be open to experiencing feelings or emotions that you may have otherwise pushed to the side.

As humans, it is imperative to live a life of meaning. How can you know what that meaning is unless you take the time out to let the meaning shine through and be present?n

What if you really analyzed your decisions?
Your choices...
The places they have taken you...
The people you have met...
What if every single person you met was there to teach you something, small or large?
What if you started noticing these things, or miracles as I like to call them, as they happened rather than after?
What if it was never too late?
Would you keep waiting to get started?
Are you really ready to face your true potential?

I started asking myself all these questions as I made the decision to give up a life tangled with drugs, alcohol and bad decisions.

As I was in this inquiry work at the beginning of walking this path into sobriety, I searched high and low for an all-encompassing resource that I really felt connected to that would help me answer these questions, only to come up very short. So, I decided to create the thing I was looking for...

I teach people how to create a life they don't want to escape from and show people that the hangover free life is anything but boring. I will help you:

  • Live a more meaningful life by diving into who you really are and what makes you tick
  • Re-evaluate habits and patterns that keep you “stuck”
  • Reflect on where you have been and use that to help you reach where you need to go
  • Reach your full potential by challenging you to take a much deeper look at your inner workings
  • Take necessary steps to create and sustain the life change you are craving & maybe even desperately need
  • Develop a solid spiritual practice and understand why self care is foundational to an intentional life
  • Learn something from everyone you meet by showing you how every experience can impact you positively
  • Realize it’s not too late to make a change. Today is the first day of the rest of your life, your new life…
  • Feel certain that nothing is impossible. Absolutely nothing!

My body of work has been a commitment to share what I have learned in my process.

By sharing my story, I’ll provide you an example that can help lead and cultivate the same radical leaps & bounds in your own life.

My mom says, “The success of one can impact many.” To that end, I’m a big believer in the domino effect, as such that if I can help one person and they help the next and so on and so forth that maybe, just maybe, we can leave a positive mark on this world.

I believe everything has been put on our path to prepare us for our purpose. So, as I reflect upon the steps in my journey, you will be witness to the hidden gems I've been able to to uncover. I hope my revelations help you see that life change, no matter how big or small, is possible and let my lessons be applicable to pieces of your story.

We are all truly made to do miraculous things and live a life of our wildest dreams, but this take letting go of what no longer serves us and stepping into who we really want to be.

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