Living Clean…And I Don’t Mean Sober

Carly BensonSpirituality


When I talk about “living clean,” I’m not technically referring to being sober. Although it sounds applicable, I mean living a wholesome life that ultimately sets you up for real happiness. When we look at this, I would ask if are you cutting back on the things that contribute to spiritual weakness and instead are you focusing on the stuff … Read More

Are You Exercising, Spiritually?

Carly BensonSpirituality


In today’s world, we constantly hear about the importance of eating clean.  What you put into you body really does dictate your health and the longevity of your life.  We read about the importance of nourishing our bodies with good foods like fruits and vegetables. Or how we should cut sugar from our diet. Added to that often comes the topic … Read More

Change Begins With A Decision. Just Say Yes…

Carly BensonPersonal Development

just say yes

This is your life. The choices you make today will determine your tomorrow. There is no other way to cut it. Napoleon Hill once said, “Every moment is your next move.” Which essentially means we are constantly making choices and decisions that will further us down our paths. Part of creating a substantial life change is not just  about making … Read More

A Shift In Priorities Leads To A Shift In Life

Carly BensonPersonal Development

Priority Mindfulness

One of the biggest lessons I have learned recently is to be mindful of what my priorities are.  What is it that I put first as the bearer of my happiness?  What do I put before other things that are important? Think of all the times we think: if I could just get that car, or job, or house, or … Read More

I Believe…

Carly BensonAffirmations

Happiness stems from what we believe in.  Believe in yourself.  Believe in love.  Believe in miracles…they are brewing…   I Believe… That people ultimately all want the same things: To feel needed, loved and appreciated. I Believe… That everything we want in life is driven by a feeling it stirs inside of us. It’s always a feeling. I Believe… That … Read More

4 Obstacles Keeping You From Achieving What You Want

Carly BensonPersonal Development

What is stopping you from achieving what you really want? In short: You are.  Yes, you read that correctly.  Most of the time we are the only person standing in our own way and stopping us from accomplishing what we truly desire.  Trust me, I know because I used to be a repeat offender. There are several obstacles that can … Read More

3 Tips to Overcome Negativity

Carly BensonPersonal Development

If you allow your thoughts and feelings to stay in a negative state, your situation will likely stay there as well.  What you choose to focus on will ultimately remain your reality.  When you realize you don’t need to think negatively and that you DO have a choice, it becomes easier to make the decision not to stay in that … Read More

Let Go of Your Unworthiness

Carly BensonPersonal Development

One of the biggest distractions we face as humans is when we hold on to unworthiness.  That all too recognizable feeling we get when we think we aren’t good enough.  This is a paralyzing trick our ego plays on us as often as possible and it can be the sole reason to keep us stuck in unhealthy patterns, relationships and … Read More

The Power of Prayer

Carly BensonSpirituality

You may not realize it, but there is a powerful force that dwells inside you.  When you tap into the energy of God, magical things begin to happen.  I understand all this talk about God may make you uncomfortable as I realize it may be unfamiliar territory for some of you.  And that is ok.  All I ask is that … Read More

The First Step Towards Finding Happiness

Carly BensonAffirmations

The formal definition of happiness is: a state of well being characterized by a range of emotions from contentment to intense joy. I recently started to ponder what my definition of “happiness,” would be if someone asked me. I believe everyone knows it to be the same type of feeling, but that similarity in feeling is often a brought about … Read More