Tips For Staying Sober During The Holidays

Carly BensonSobriety

gift of sobriety, stay sober during the holidays

Tis the season to be jolly…for most. For others, it’s also a season to be overly anxious and nervous about staying sober for many who are living a life in sobriety. This is my sixth year of sober holiday festivities and I thought it might be beneficial for some to have a few helpful tips for staying sober during the … Read More

10 Truths About Accepting Life

Carly BensonSobriety

accepting life

I saw a quote the other day that spoke so loudly to me. It said: “You only see what your eyes want to see.” The reason this resonated with me is because in my journey of life and sobriety, I can remember so many times that I didn’t accept life as it was happening in front of me. I always … Read More

Accepting The Present Moment

Carly BensonSobriety

accepting the present moment

I’ve been talking a lot about sobriety and more particularly practices to foster success in recovery, but these practices of acceptance, surrender and awareness are also applicable for anyone who needs to work through a challenge or has a desire to bring about significant life change. Perhaps you aren’t sober or working to be, but you have other hurdles you’re … Read More

Accepting The Past

Carly BensonSobriety

accepting the past carly benson

One of the biggest hurdles for me entering into sobriety was accepting that I had a problem. It was so hard to face the music, swallow my pride and admit that my drinking and drugging was not normal. I had to accept that I couldn’t do moderation, I needed help and that I needed to accept my past for what … Read More

Sobriety Requires Surrender

Carly BensonSobriety

sobriety surrender

Sweet, sober surrender. It’s a constant process. It’s a consistent tug on the pride strings. It takes courage.  I give things up to God, my higher power, on the regular, and then I catch myself taking them right back. One of the hardest parts of sobriety is admitting, “I don’t got this.” Surrendering to the fact that alcohol or drugs … Read More

Sobriety is a Lifestyle

Carly BensonSobriety

sobriety is a lifestyle carly benson

If you or anyone you know has struggled with alcoholism or addiction, my guess is that moderation, or lack thereof, is the basis for those struggles. For me, I couldn’t just have a couple drinks and call it a night. It was always balls to the wall, nights that turned into sunrise, the whole bottle instead of a couple cocktails … Read More

Sobriety And Fear Of Missing Out

Carly BensonSobriety

sobriety and fear of missing out

One of the hardest things I remember about giving up the party scene was a constant fear of missing out by not going out or being there. Sobriety and fear of missing out often go hand in hand. “What if something fun happens that I miss?” “What if they have fun without me?” “I’m so lame for staying in and … Read More

Sobriety Begins With Awareness

Carly BensonSobriety

advice on going sober awareness

I have a lot of people that approach me about going sober and I’ve also noticed a lot of people in my circles of friends who want to give it a try for 30-60-90 days. It seems to be a reoccurring theme so I decided to write more pieces with advice for going sober to talk about what the sobriety … Read More

33 Things Sobriety Taught Me To Be Thankful For

Carly BensonSobriety

carly benson yoga handstand cabo

Significant life change starts with a simple change of perspective and is sustained through the practice of unconditional gratitude.  -Carly Benson I just got back from an amazing trip to Cabo San Lucas, where I was celebrating my commitment to major life change, exercising constant courage and the anniversary of my retirement from a deep-seeded career in alcohol and cocaine … Read More