Never Give Up On Your Dreams

Carly BensonAffirmations, Personal Development

carly benson san diego cowels mountain hike

I visited San Diego for the first time in 2005 and absolutely loved it. I remember driving around La Jolla looking at the houses for sale with an inquiring mind as to if I could live here, one day.

At the time everything seemed so expensive, which made this dream become one of those off in the distant ones. So, I tucked it away in the dream files and went on to always tell anyone it was my favorite, special place when asked.

In 2013, I made plans to head out to Cali with a couple girlfriends. I remember us meeting over lunches to discuss how we could make this happen. The vision of Cali life seemed like it was in full motion.

However, my grandfather had some pretty major health issues right as this was going down and I took that as a sign that I should stay put and relish in the time I had with my family in Naples. So, once again, I tucked it away and watched my two friends make the move.

In October 2015, I headed out west again for a joint Bachelorette party and wedding that took us from Las Vegas to Palm Springs. At the end of the trip, I had planned to visit my dreamland of San Diego to say hello to my girlfriend from home that moved out to Cali without me a couple years prior.

At the time I was very emotional about what was going on in my life and wasn’t looking at San Diego through the eyes of moving because I couldn’t really handle much other than enjoying a visit.

We went to a sunset dinner in La Jolla and we hiked Cowels Mountain. I ventured through Torrey Pines and the downtown area, taking in everything as a visitor. I remember sitting at the top of the hike thinking “one day,” once again but also had a dash of doubt come over me that perhaps it wasn’t meant to be.

Maybe San Diego was a pipe dream. Maybe I should just be happy with where I am in Naples. Maybe this isn’t for me or I would have done it already. Maybe I didn’t have enough guts to make such a move. Maybe I should just give up on that dream.

But no matter what, I couldn’t shake the feeling. Still I tucked it away once more and stopped thinking about it.

Over the course of the next few months many things shifted and I came to a crossroads with my living situation where my lease came up. It was a bit stressful and that story is for another day, but I remember sitting with myself asking what I really wanted, where I really wanted to be and how I wanted my future to look.

I started getting signs from California that it was where I should be. My friend who had ventured here in 2013 offered for me to come stay with her and bring my dogs. Events and workshops started popping up that I knew I needed to be at out there. I connected with several people in the personal development space that showed me the power of networking. Needless to say, I felt the call.

Just when I had sort of given up on the dream, there came the signs to remind me and show me that this seed that had been planted in 2005 had began to harvest. So, I followed my intuition to San Diego and here I am sharing this story with you.

Last weekend, I hiked that same mountain, Cowels Mountain. When I got to the top, my girlfriend and I decided to sit and meditate for a moment to take it all in.

In that moment, I felt like I was right where I needed to be. I felt a sense of overwhelming gratitude for getting back to this place. I thought, “Wow this is really happening!” I felt so thankful for the ability to do this and for hearing my intuition through it all. I prayed and said thank you for all that I have been blessed with and asked to keep being guided.

The reason I told this story is not to boast, but to remind you to never give up on your dreams. There were so many times I could have said “that will never happen,” but I kept it alive even when it didn’t seem favorable or possible.

You are given feelings, visions and dreams for a reason: to make them come to life.

It may not happen over night, heck this one took 11 years, but if you stay in tune with what your heart is telling you and delicately do so without forcing it, miracles begin to happen.

Dreams don’t have an expiration date. They simply float around in your heart and head offering you visions of what could be. Stay connected to your spirit and it will lead you to your soul’s calling.

Just like climbing to the top of a mountain, it may take some hard work to get there, but when you are following through on something you know in your heart to feel true, it will make it all worth it. Especially once you’ve climbed to the top of your dream and look out in awe of what took place to bring you there.

Keep dreaming and keep climbing. Namaste.