Seeing Things With New Eyes

Carly BensonSobriety, Transformation

carly benson miracles are brewing

Last weekend I shared a post on my Instagram, and it was a very powerful and shifting realization for me. So, I figured I should share it here with you as well.

As I was sitting in my backyard, early on Saturday morning, I was enjoying my homemade BulletProof coffee with my dog, Elly, and I ironically found myself enjoying the sounds of the birds as they congregated around this tree.

Here’s the thing though: I used to loathe the sound of birds chirping in the morning because it meant I did IT again: I stayed up all night binging on cocaine. For the longest time this sound was an alarm that would trigger my self-hatred anthem.

I would toss and turn as I heard them, blaming them for my misery. THEY were the reason I couldn’t sleep. The sounds were so annoying. “Can you please shut up?! Your chatter is disturbing me.” I would think.

When in reality the real culprit of my restlessness was the voices in my head, ruthlessly shaming me for snorting the white stuff up my nose again.

Eight years later, I sit here admiring the sweet sounds of birds this morning. This apple tree in my backyard is their morning meeting place. They come and talk and play with each other and eat the apples. There is something so peaceful about their language nowadays and how they demonstrate such simple happiness.

I’m reminded that the beauty of discovery isn’t always about seeking something new, but rather seeing things with new eyes.

Is there anything in your life that you could invite a new perspective in to see it differently? I encourage you to see if you can identify the shifts of mindset you’ve experienced in your own life towards things that you once didn’t like, feared or avoided, that you now welcome into your life.

There is power in your perspective and once you see this at work, you will notice and experience it more often.

I hope this message serves you. Namaste.