For Anyone Trying To Change Their Life

Carly BensonPersonal Development

autobiography in five chapters portia nelson carly benson miracles are brewing

I remember when I was coming into sobriety how many times I said, “I’m never drinking again,” or “I’m never doing coke again,” only to be greeted with another comedown and hangover. Each time I would fall back into my bad habits, I would stand back up, bruises and all. I’d say it was because of this or that, without … Read More

One of My Biggest Ah-ha Moments in Early Sobriety

Carly BensonPersonal Development

I quit drinking and ended my love affair with cocaine on August 17th, 2008. Wouldn’t you know, my best friend’s birthday fell just three short weeks later on 9/11? (Yes, I know it’s not a fun date for a birthday, bless her heart) We had quite an extravaganza planned for it. There was no way I could miss it and … Read More

Getting In Your Zone

Carly BensonPersonal Development, Sobriety

carly benson since right now podcast get in the zone sobriety

Yesterday I did an interview with The Recovery Revolution on their Since Right Now podcast. We talked about how Miracles Are Brewing came to be. I shared how I got sober and the spiritual experience I felt as it happened, my top essentials for staying sober, how I deal with depression and anxiety as well as what’s coming next for … Read More

One Practice That Has Kept Me Sober

Carly BensonSobriety

how to stay sober carly benson miracles are brewing

When I got sober in 2008, it was hard to rebuild my life at first. Killing bad habits and adjusting your life around the avoidance of them isn’t easy. It is a daily effort in making all the correct choices and no longer allowing the addictions to run your brain. Getting sober is hard work but once you’ve made it … Read More

What Sobriety Taught Me About Procrastination

Carly BensonPersonal Development, Sobriety

Procrastination: one word with such a powerful meaning behind it. We all do it. I will admit I am often guilty of putting things off. I was in a therapy coaching session of my own a couple years ago sifting through pieces of my recovery story trying to uncover why I seem to procrastinate sometimes on important things – like … Read More

Humble Yourself To Better Yourself

Carly BensonAffirmations, Sobriety, Spirituality

sobriety carly benson

Sobriety has been a humbling process and has taught me that humility is often the cornerstone to changing your life and becoming a better person. It is said that from humble beginnings come great things and I’ve found this to be so accurate and true. Last week I spoke in front of a group of amazing young women for Fellowship of … Read More

I’m Sober, Not Boring

Carly BensonSobriety

I'm sober not boring carly benson

I want to talk about the elephant in the room when it comes to sobriety. I know in my own sober journey I’ve faced a bit of scrutiny when people see me out at clubs or music festivals and they wonder what I’m doing there. I have been approached so many times with questions around my sobriety after pictures or … Read More

You Cannot Invest Your Soul In A Compromise

Carly BensonPersonal Development

you cannot invest your soul in a compromise carly benson

I recently wrote about the importance of knowing what we want in life and being mindful of what we compromise on as well as what our non-negotiables are. The other part of that lesson I’ve learned is that you cannot invest your soul in a compromise. If your life, lifestyle or life choices are not in harmony with who you … Read More

Happiness Comes From Within

Carly BensonAffirmations

carly benson going within

I used to chase a lot of things – buzzes, people, places – back in my hay days of partying. I was looking for happiness, connection and fulfillment in all the wrong places. Sometimes I would run so fast and so hard that I would even forget what day it was. I lived for the cheap thrills nestled inside the … Read More

Just For Today

Carly BensonAffirmations

just for today carly benson

As many of you know, I recently celebrated seven years of sobriety and while it was a time of honoring my commitment, it was also, ironically, a time of questioning it as well. I found myself wondering if I wanted to be sober “forever.” It was a time of serious contemplation and reflection for me, which I indicated on the … Read More