Overcoming Shame and Guilt

Carly BensonPersonal Development

overcoming shame and guilt

I recently completed training to become a Certified Christian Life Coach. I’m going through the certification process and have already started working with a few clients on faith and spiritual development as well as sobriety mentoring. An area of study that I’ve personally spent a lot of time on is overcoming shame and guilt. This comes up in so many … Read More

Self Love Is The Beginning of All Love

Carly BensonPersonal Development

Carly Benson self love naples pier

Throughout my spiritual journey of finding God and living in sobriety, I’ve been presented with deep life lessons along the way. I’m convinced that life is a never-ending process of refinement, shaping, molding and transforming. A process within that process is learning what it means to love yourself, accept who you are and begin to step forth into your most … Read More

4 Tips To Successfully Break A Habit

Carly BensonTransformation

the dome tea room edinburgh scotland

Today marks exactly 30 days off coffee for me. Surprisingly the first 10 days were easier than the last couple of weeks. It really got me to thinking about how we are such creatures of habit. I began to examine what worked for me in breaking this habit of coffee drinking, which, for anyone that knows me, has been that … Read More

Transformation Starts With A New Beginning

Carly BensonTransformation

new beginnings, transformation

For many, the start of a new month brings with it the hope for new beginnings. I’ve noticed that it seems to be the time of year for the winds of change to blow. With that, I’m reminded that sometimes we need our worlds to be rocked. We need to be rattled, torn down and we all need to reach … Read More

Our Thoughts Lead Our Lives

Carly BensonAffirmations

sky, horizon

Sometimes I write in the moment when I’m feeling inspired. The following is an excerpt from my iPhone notes from last February that I just stumbled upon. I think I was traveling to NYC and this came over me – a raw and unedited stream of consciousness about how our thoughts lead our lives. As I peer out of the … Read More

Transformation Tuesday: 102 Days In Hell

Carly BensonTransformation

transformation grace

Since starting Miracles Are Brewing, I have been approached by many people for advice on getting sober, which tends to lend itself to a conversation of faith as well. Last August I was introduced to a friend of a friend who was at the height of a breakdown from alcoholism, addiction and the harsh reality that he might be faced … Read More

Transformation Tuesday: 15 Lessons of Transformation

Carly BensonPersonal Development

carly benson transformation tuesday

Some times I get people who ask me how I changed my life. How did I quit drinking and using cocaine? Why did I quit? There must have been something absolutely terrible that happened to make me undergo such a drastic transformation. Sure, I had my fair share of regrets, bad decisions and less than good experiences such as overdosing, … Read More

10 Reasons Why Sober Is The New Cool

Carly BensonPersonal Development

sober is the new cool, sobriety

“Can I buy you a drink?” “Let’s do a shot!” “What are you drinking?” That’s usually how this conversation begins for me. How I answer depends on the setting, the person and how I’m feeling that day. Usually, I start out with a simple “No thank you, I don’t drink.” However, that answer is often not sufficient enough on it’s … Read More

My Miracle…

Carly BensonSpirituality

carly benson hebrews 6:19, miracles are brewing, sobriety

I MADE IT! Today I celebrate 5 years of sobriety from alcohol and cocaine. Not only do I celebrate my commitment to changing my life, I also honor the day I was saved by God’s grace. You see, many of you know bits and pieces of my story.  Some of you were with me during those days and experienced first … Read More