Sobriety Is Not A Fad, Its A Lifestyle Revolution

Carly BensonAlcohol free, Sobriety

sobriety is a lifestyle not a fad

An article came out this week in the NY Times that was titled “The New Sobriety,” in which the subheading “every one is sober now, even if they drink a little?,” took on a life of it’s own, negatively impacting the views of the article.  While I do think the article and it’s attention is a net positive, I also … Read More

Alcohol ls A Depressant

Carly BensonAddiction, Alcohol free, Anxiety, Sobriety, Spirituality

carly benson miracles are brewing alcohol is a depressant

What we put in our body affects how we feel. How we feel affects, and quite frankly is, our state of being aka consciousness, which is essentially our vibration. So, when we consume things that ultimately make us feel bad, we lower our state of being and when we lower our state, this lowers our vibration. It sounds woo-woo when you … Read More

Drinking Alcohol Is Not Self-Care

Carly BensonAddiction, Sobriety

self care carly benson miracles are brewing tulum mexico

Self-care is the practice of taking action towards preserving or improving one’s health & well being. Let’s stop with the cutesy memes that get it royally twisted and create a false, unnecessary narrative that drinking alcohol is ‘caring’ for ourselves because it’s NOT. Alcohol is a deterrent to our health. Not a preservative. Alcohol causes cancer 1, depression, anxiety 2, … Read More

5 Guiding Principles That Transformed My Sobriety

Carly BensonSobriety, Transformation

retired blackout artist carly benson sobriety principles

Walking the path of sobriety and living in recovery takes bravery and a great deal of willingness. I work with a lot of people now in my sobriety coaching practice and so many of my clients have similar fears and questions. How do I get sober? Where do I start? How do I explain it to friends and family? Does me not … Read More