Sobriety Is Not A Fad, Its A Lifestyle Revolution

Carly BensonAlcohol free, Sobriety

sobriety is a lifestyle not a fad

An article came out this week in the NY Times that was titled “The New Sobriety,” in which the subheading “every one is sober now, even if they drink a little?,” took on a life of it’s own, negatively impacting the views of the article.  While I do think the article and it’s attention is a net positive, I also … Read More

Drinking Alcohol Is Not Self-Care

Carly BensonAddiction, Sobriety

self care carly benson miracles are brewing tulum mexico

Self-care is the practice of taking action towards preserving or improving one’s health & well being. Let’s stop with the cutesy memes that get it royally twisted and create a false, unnecessary narrative that drinking alcohol is ‘caring’ for ourselves because it’s NOT. Alcohol is a deterrent to our health. Not a preservative. Alcohol causes cancer 1, depression, anxiety 2, … Read More

What It Really Took To Get Sober

Carly BensonAddiction, Sobriety, Transformation

When I got sober on August 17, 2008, after yet another happy hour turned sunrise, something inside of me had snapped. I remember standing on the balcony earlier that morning, just as I had run out of cocaine, chain smoking as the sun started to remind me what a degenerate person I had become, or at least that’s how it … Read More

10 Reasons To Stay Sober During The Holidays

Carly BensonSobriety

Tis the season to be jolly…for most people, that is. However, for others, it can be a season of anxiety about staying sober during the holidays. This will be my ninth holiday season without alcohol as the centerpiece, and I can attest, while it may seem scary at first, the holidays are SO much better sober and you CAN avoid … Read More

4 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Got Addicted

Carly BensonAddiction, Sobriety, Transformation

what i wish I knew before I got addicted carly benson miracles are brewing

No one begins their drinking or drugging career thinking they’d like to develop an addiction. You don’t start out boozing, snorting lines of coke or taking pills with the notion that you would like to make this your daily routine. It’s not something you aspire to work towards or some glorious thing you set out to do. “They” tell you … Read More

Dear Alcohol, This Is Goodbye.

Carly BensonAddiction, Sobriety, Transformation

why i gave up alcohol carly benson miracles are brewing

Oh dear “friend” Alcohol, what a long, weary road we have traveled together… When I first met you at the ripe age of 15, I had no idea what an impact you would make on my life – and not the good kind, unfortunately. I hate to tell you, but no one starts out their relationship to you with the … Read More

Sobriety Is A Wake Up Call

Carly BensonAddiction, Sobriety, Transformation

sobriety is a wake up call carly benson

When I got sober almost 9 years ago, I had no idea what was coming next. My initial goal was to stop using cocaine and in order to do so I knew I also had to quit drinking. What I didn’t realize is that I was answering a much bigger call. My sobriety hasn’t just been a call to clean up … Read More

5 Guiding Principles That Transformed My Sobriety

Carly BensonSobriety, Transformation

retired blackout artist carly benson sobriety principles

Walking the path of sobriety and living in recovery takes bravery and a great deal of willingness. I work with a lot of people now in my sobriety coaching practice and so many of my clients have similar fears and questions. How do I get sober? Where do I start? How do I explain it to friends and family? Does me not … Read More