Alcohol ls A Depressant

Carly BensonAddiction, Alcohol free, Anxiety, Sobriety, Spirituality

carly benson miracles are brewing alcohol is a depressant

What we put in our body affects how we feel. How we feel affects, and quite frankly is, our state of being aka consciousness, which is essentially our vibration. So, when we consume things that ultimately make us feel bad, we lower our state of being and when we lower our state, this lowers our vibration. It sounds woo-woo when you … Read More

Sober Holidays: Get In The Spirit Without The Spirits

Carly BensonSobriety

staying sober through the holidays carly benson

It’s that time of year when getting liquored up and the chances of making the bad Santa kinds of decisions tend to be probable if you’re anything like I was. I can remember back to my last drunken company Christmas party. It was during the height of my drinking and drugging career in 2007, which, at the time I did … Read More

How I Coped With My Anxiety

Carly BensonSobriety, Transformation

how to cope with anxiety using breath carly benson miracles are brewing

I’ll never forget – it was late 2007 and I was sitting in a meeting at my very corporate America job. The meeting was with our Human Resources department to go over our benefits, health insurance, 401k plans, etc. It was afternoon and I had just come from lunch. As I was sitting in the meeting, she was talking about … Read More

8 Ways To Worry Less

Carly BensonPersonal Development

how to worry less carly benson miracles are brewing

I’ve been catching myself worrying quite a bit lately. Worrying about details, choices, little things, big things. It’s crazy because once our minds get into worry mode we can find ourselves worrying about everything. It can sweep us up into a bad cycle if we are not careful. So, I sat with it. I caught myself getting stuck in negative … Read More