3 Reminders To Keep You In The Christmas Spirit

Carly BensonSpirituality

the christmas spirit carly benson

I was driving around all week in the madness that is Christmas shopping season. Traffic around my town is absolutely insane and it gave me time and plenty of reason to become very aware of the vibes circulating in the air right now. I couldn’t help but notice how crazy things seem to be around this time of year. I … Read More

A Motto For Life That Will Change How You Live

Carly BensonPersonal Development, Transformation

if its not a hell yes its a no carly benson

I live in Naples, Florida – the retirement capital of America. I always tell everyone there is a bank, pharmacy and golf course on every corner to paint the picture of what a wealthy city ripe in retired living looks like. I’ve got love for this sleepy little beach town even though it tends to be overgrown with older people. In … Read More

How To Stay Positive In A Negative World

Carly BensonPersonal Development

How To Stay Positive In A Negative World Carly Benson

Politics, guns, shootings, bombings, abortion, attacks, rape, famine, poverty – we see it every day, all around us, all the time. I’ve talked to a lot of people lately and it seems like with all the events happening around the world, media and social outlets have turned much more negative these days. People have become more negative, unfortunately and our … Read More

9 Quick Tips To Experience More Thankfulness

Carly BensonPersonal Development, Spirituality

tips to experience more thankfulness carly benson

Thanksgiving is a wonderful time of year. It’s an opportunity to come together with our loved ones and family to give thanks for the year. It can also be an overwhelming time for many – cooking, baking, cleaning, decorating, shopping, parties, being social. And let’s not forget: All. The. Food. We can easily lose track of what the holiday is about … Read More

Learning To Go With The Flow

Carly BensonPersonal Development

learning to go with the flow carly benson

If you follow me on Instagram, you know I was just on an adventure on the West Coast with my dearest girlfriends. I used to be the type of person who planned out every detail of a trip like this. I’d have dinners, shows, DJ’s and sights to see, scoped out well in advance. I would have my hotel confirmations … Read More

You Cannot Invest Your Soul In A Compromise

Carly BensonPersonal Development

you cannot invest your soul in a compromise carly benson

I recently wrote about the importance of knowing what we want in life and being mindful of what we compromise on as well as what our non-negotiables are. The other part of that lesson I’ve learned is that you cannot invest your soul in a compromise. If your life, lifestyle or life choices are not in harmony with who you … Read More

Happiness Comes From Within

Carly BensonAffirmations

carly benson going within

I used to chase a lot of things – buzzes, people, places – back in my hay days of partying. I was looking for happiness, connection and fulfillment in all the wrong places. Sometimes I would run so fast and so hard that I would even forget what day it was. I lived for the cheap thrills nestled inside the … Read More

Why Knowing What You Want In Life Is Crucial

Carly BensonPersonal Development

carly benson knowing what you want in life

Knowing what you want in life is the first step towards reaching what happiness looks like to you. It’s crucial to take time to sit with ourselves and get clear on our wants and needs. When we learn to say “yes” when we mean yes and “no” when we mean no based on our needs, we begin to build our … Read More

Just For Today

Carly BensonAffirmations

just for today carly benson

As many of you know, I recently celebrated seven years of sobriety and while it was a time of honoring my commitment, it was also, ironically, a time of questioning it as well. I found myself wondering if I wanted to be sober “forever.” It was a time of serious contemplation and reflection for me, which I indicated on the … Read More

The Art of Being Consistent To Consistency

Carly BensonPersonal Development

consistency is key carly benson

Let’s be honest, there are many weeks where I don’t feel like writing because I’m not motivated or inspired. There are many days where I don’t feel like hitting my yoga mat or going for a run. There are times when I don’t feel like eating healthy and I just want to stuff my face with pizza and sweets. There are … Read More