Sobriety Is Not A Fad, Its A Lifestyle Revolution

Carly BensonAlcohol free, Sobriety

sobriety is a lifestyle not a fad

An article came out this week in the NY Times that was titled “The New Sobriety,” in which the subheading “every one is sober now, even if they drink a little?,” took on a life of it’s own, negatively impacting the views of the article.  While I do think the article and it’s attention is a net positive, I also … Read More

How I Went From Cocaine Comedowns, Anxiety & Alcoholism To A Sober Life I Love

Carly BensonAddiction, Intentional Living, Sobriety, Transformation

I can remember the time when my Saturday afternoons were filled with day drinking at the pool to nurse the cocaine comedown I had just come off of. Friday’s were for happy hours that turned into sunrise, so naturally Saturday became an extension of the party. After getting a couple hours of bird chirping, soul sucking, halfway sleeping but more … Read More

Dear Alcohol, This Is Goodbye.

Carly BensonAddiction, Sobriety, Transformation

why i gave up alcohol carly benson miracles are brewing

Oh dear “friend” Alcohol, what a long, weary road we have traveled together… When I first met you at the ripe age of 15, I had no idea what an impact you would make on my life – and not the good kind, unfortunately. I hate to tell you, but no one starts out their relationship to you with the … Read More

8.5 Years Sober Today Reminds Me Of What’s Possible

Carly BensonSobriety, Transformation, Yoga

sobriety silent savasana carly benson

Exactly 8.5 years ago today I made a decision to quit drinking and using cocaine. I was sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. I didn’t want to experience the anxiety, panic, shame, guilt, exhaustion, defeat or self loathing for one minute longer. I prayed for a miracle that day – not knowing what I was doing and not … Read More

Seeing Things With New Eyes

Carly BensonSobriety, Transformation

carly benson miracles are brewing

Last weekend I shared a post on my Instagram, and it was a very powerful and shifting realization for me. So, I figured I should share it here with you as well. As I was sitting in my backyard, early on Saturday morning, I was enjoying my homemade BulletProof coffee with my dog, Elly, and I ironically found myself enjoying … Read More

For Anyone Trying To Change Their Life

Carly BensonPersonal Development

autobiography in five chapters portia nelson carly benson miracles are brewing

I remember when I was coming into sobriety how many times I said, “I’m never drinking again,” or “I’m never doing coke again,” only to be greeted with another comedown and hangover. Each time I would fall back into my bad habits, I would stand back up, bruises and all. I’d say it was because of this or that, without … Read More

One of My Biggest Ah-ha Moments in Early Sobriety

Carly BensonPersonal Development

I quit drinking and ended my love affair with cocaine on August 17th, 2008. Wouldn’t you know, my best friend’s birthday fell just three short weeks later on 9/11? (Yes, I know it’s not a fun date for a birthday, bless her heart) We had quite an extravaganza planned for it. There was no way I could miss it and … Read More

One Practice That Has Kept Me Sober

Carly BensonSobriety

how to stay sober carly benson miracles are brewing

When I got sober in 2008, it was hard to rebuild my life at first. Killing bad habits and adjusting your life around the avoidance of them isn’t easy. It is a daily effort in making all the correct choices and no longer allowing the addictions to run your brain. Getting sober is hard work but once you’ve made it … Read More

Never Give Up On Your Dreams

Carly BensonAffirmations, Personal Development

carly benson san diego cowels mountain hike

I visited San Diego for the first time in 2005 and absolutely loved it. I remember driving around La Jolla looking at the houses for sale with an inquiring mind as to if I could live here, one day. At the time everything seemed so expensive, which made this dream become one of those off in the distant ones. So, … Read More