11 Lessons The Storms Of Life Teach Us

Carly BensonPersonal Development, Transformation

facing the storms of life

I watched an insanely intense and incredible sunset last night. It was absolutely breathtaking. The sun was setting as a crazy Florida storm was viciously rolling out to sea from the shore. The clouds were dark and they were fierce. I’ve been in the eye of a storm in my own life, which I have touched on, in my last … Read More

Celebrating Sobriety

Carly BensonSobriety

carly benson sobriety

This week I celebrated seven years of sobriety from alcohol and cocaine. On 8/17/2008 something shifted in me and I decided I didn’t want to live that way anymore. And that was it – by the grace of God, sobriety became my new normal. All I can say is that if you want something for yourself, go after it. Life is … Read More

How To Get Started With Sobriety

Carly BensonSobriety

sobriety coach carly benson

Understanding how to get started with sobriety takes geniune perspective along with willingness to begin. It also requires brutal honesty with oneself and support from our loved ones to allow the process to happen naturally and organically. We cannot teach someone something they are not ready to learn. We cannot experience it for them. People must go through things on their … Read More

Your Tribe Affects Your Vibe

Carly BensonPersonal Development

your tribe affects your vibe carly benson

I was recently tagged in a video dancing at a pool party and while it was all in good, sober fun for me, it was brought to my attention by several people that it didn’t seem too fitting for the lifestyle I write and speak about. I’m all about demonstrating that you can still have a ton of fun in … Read More

The Moment You Know You Are Ready For Something New

Carly BensonTransformation

carly benson moments of clarity

The moment you know you are ready for something new is pivotal. It’s loud. It’s undeniable. You may hear a whisper about it for a while but eventually it turns into a scream. Sometimes it feels like time freezes briefly as your soul is shaken or cradled. Other times it just becomes an unwavering certainty. It happens to everyone at … Read More

Everything Is Temporary

Carly BensonAffirmations

everything is temporary

The other day during a prayer meditation, I was reminded that everything is temporary. Everything. Then I saw this quote a few hours later, reconfirming the message I received during my meditation. “Everything is temporary; Emotions, thoughts, people and scenery. Do not get attached, just flow with it.” When we really think about it, the only thing truly permanent in … Read More

8 Things I Learned in 8 Days

Carly BensonPersonal Development, Transformation

be a yes

As I am integrating back into reality after my Baptiste training in Sedona, Arizona, last week, I’ve been overwhelmed with thoughts, emotions and a real sense of accomplishment. There were so many breakthroughs and ah-ha moments. I’m left with transformation and insight that I could write on for days, and I fully intend to by the way. In the meantime, … Read More

The Best Thing About Sobriety

Carly BensonSobriety, Transformation

interview carly benson sexy sobriety

In my recent interview with Sexy Sobriety, we dove head first into my past relationship with alcohol and drugs, what caused me to quit, how I sustained my sobriety and what my lifestyle looks like on the other side of the bottle. Besides all of the benefits we discussed throughout the conversations, I was asked, “What is the best thing … Read More

4 Tips For Getting Unstuck

Carly BensonPersonal Development

tips for getting unstuck

I’ve been stuck in a little bit of rut lately. I know you’re probably thinking how? Because I just wrote about an awesome trip to Panama. While I’m making the best of enjoying life, I’ve been having ongoing pain in my hips. This has been a constant struggle the last few weeks, which has caused me to have lower energy … Read More

The Domino Effect Of Sobriety

Carly BensonSobriety, Transformation

panama monkey carly benson

Yesterday afternoon I was sitting on a rooftop overlooking the entire Panama skyline while doing a coaching call with one of my clients and I had to take a moment after the call just to be thankful. I feel so blessed to be able to travel the world and work from wherever I am. It made me realize that my … Read More