A Simple Exercise For More Happiness

Carly BensonPersonal Development


I’ve been thinking a lot lately about life, my goals, dreams and what it is I truly want for myself. It made me realize that all of us should take a step back sometimes and ask ourselves what we truly want. Not only that but, what are we willing to do to get there? We all have fleeting dreams and … Read More

12 Goodbyes To Consider

Carly BensonTransformation

goodbye, letting go, tulum

I had a dream the other night where I was giving a speech to my graduating class from college. I prepared the talk and let a friend read it. This person looked at me after reading it and said, “It’s alright, but nothing pisses me off more than when I see someone is being mediocre when they have greatness inside … Read More

Learning How To Slow Down

Carly BensonPersonal Development

slowing down,

Life can get overwhelming at times. We get caught up in the hustle of life everyday. Making sure our work is completed, the grocery shopping, our errands, returning phone calls, texts and emails, getting the kids to and from, spending time with our loved ones, cooking, cleaning, working out and the list begins to stack a mile high. It’s important … Read More

A New Approach For The New Year

Carly BensonPersonal Development

new year, moving forward

I was driving to the airport very early last week and the fog was so heavy I couldn’t see ten feet in front of me. There were cars slowing down. Others were putting on their flashers with caution. And some, like me, were charging through it. I couldn’t help but think about what a metaphor for life this was as it … Read More

Overcoming Shame and Guilt

Carly BensonPersonal Development

overcoming shame and guilt

I recently completed training to become a Certified Christian Life Coach. I’m going through the certification process and have already started working with a few clients on faith and spiritual development as well as sobriety mentoring. An area of study that I’ve personally spent a lot of time on is overcoming shame and guilt. This comes up in so many … Read More

5 Realities Of Taking Action

Carly BensonPersonal Development

carly benson colosseum rome

I have been staring at a blank page for days, knowing that I need to write, but feeling somewhat paralyzed to move my fingers. I stopped taking action. I stopped writing on a consistent basis. I just completed training to be a certified life coach coupled with a hectic yet blessed travel schedule, which are just well executed excuses when … Read More