The Best Thing About Sobriety

Carly BensonSobriety, Transformation

interview carly benson sexy sobriety

In my recent interview with Sexy Sobriety, we dove head first into my past relationship with alcohol and drugs, what caused me to quit, how I sustained my sobriety and what my lifestyle looks like on the other side of the bottle. Besides all of the benefits we discussed throughout the conversations, I was asked, “What is the best thing … Read More

Doubt Is An Invitation

Carly BensonPersonal Development, Sobriety

Doubt motivation invitation

I can remember it like it was yesterday. I was about a week sober and I went to have lunch with a friend. As we sat down to lunch, I was telling him how I decided to go sober. I had a week under my belt and I was pumped with excitement. This was the longest I had been sober in … Read More

Sobriety As I Know It

Carly BensonSobriety, Transformation

sobriety as I know it carly benson

Sobriety as I know it today certainly isn’t as scary as it was almost seven years ago. After publishing a successful article on Elite Daily about what happens when we say “I’m never drinking again,” and mean it, I’ve had a lot of people reaching out wanting to know how I did it, where to start and how to “be” … Read More

You Are Not Alone

Carly BensonPersonal Development, Transformation

you are not alone

Do you ever feel alone? I know throughout my life, especially with my sobriety, there have been times when I’ve felt completely alone; not sure where to turn or what to do. When I decided to clean up my act almost seven years ago, I can remember being terrified. The feeling of being alone was looming and scary as I was facing … Read More

Dreams Become Reality With Hard Work

Carly BensonTransformation

dreams to reality

On April 8, 2013 I shared my first blog, publicly. I can still remember the feelings of anxiety and adrenaline running through my body that day. There is something to be said about putting yourself out there in the raw. Whether in life, business or relationships – showing your authentic self is something so powerful! Not only does it bring … Read More

I Believe In Miracles

Carly BensonAffirmations

miracles are brewing

When Miracles Are Brewing started two years ago all it began with was a vision. There was a spark inside of me to write and share my experiences in sobriety, finding faith and the enlightenment I experiencing as I navigated those waters. The writing was an outlet for me to process life. They always say we teach what we also … Read More

How To Spring Clean Your Life

Carly BensonTransformation

spring clean your life

Last week we talked about living more from intention and less out of habit. I’ve found that one of the best ways to begin living an intention filled life is to clear out everything that weighs us down and to get rid of the junk that often defaults us into our habitual patterns or keeps us stuck. Spring is upon … Read More

Do You Want To Make A Difference?

Carly BensonPersonal Development


A lot of people I talk to tell me they want to make a difference. To help others. To make an impact. To build something important. What we don’t realize is how many opportunities we have to do these things that may appear small on the surface but actually have the potential to be HUGE if we all come together … Read More

A New Approach For The New Year

Carly BensonPersonal Development

new year, moving forward

I was driving to the airport very early last week and the fog was so heavy I couldn’t see ten feet in front of me. There were cars slowing down. Others were putting on their flashers with caution. And some, like me, were charging through it. I couldn’t help but think about what a metaphor for life this was as it … Read More

12 Concepts For Accepting Chaos

Carly BensonPersonal Development

accepting chaos wynnwood miami graffiti carly benson

Chaos is defined as disorder, confusion and unpredictability. Throughout our lives, we will be met with patches of chaos and challenge that will shift our paths and cause us to re-evaluate, help us define who we are and ultimately play the lead in our evolution. There have been many times in my own life where confusion and disarray have been … Read More