8 Ways To Worry Less

Carly BensonPersonal Development

how to worry less carly benson miracles are brewing

I’ve been catching myself worrying quite a bit lately. Worrying about details, choices, little things, big things. It’s crazy because once our minds get into worry mode we can find ourselves worrying about everything. It can sweep us up into a bad cycle if we are not careful. So, I sat with it. I caught myself getting stuck in negative … Read More

How To Deal With Losing A Friend

Carly BensonSpirituality

osing a friend carly benson

I got a call last week that one of my best friends from college had passed away in the night. As my heart sank and my eyes welled up with tears, it seemed like the world stopped for those brief moments as it sank in. This person was someone I was very close with in college and spent a lot … Read More

How I Learned To Meditate – It’s Easier Than You Think

Carly BensonSpirituality

how I learned to meditate dance carly benson

Everyone has heard about the benefits of meditation, but not everyone is always successful with quieting the mind and a lot of people have found it hard as well as frustrating to try. I know I’ve had my fair share of unsuccessful attempts. Sitting still and blocking out my thoughts, which are always running at a rapid pace, feels very … Read More

11 Lessons The Storms Of Life Teach Us

Carly BensonPersonal Development, Transformation

facing the storms of life

I watched an insanely intense and incredible sunset last night. It was absolutely breathtaking. The sun was setting as a crazy Florida storm was viciously rolling out to sea from the shore. The clouds were dark and they were fierce. I’ve been in the eye of a storm in my own life, which I have touched on, in my last … Read More

The Moment You Know You Are Ready For Something New

Carly BensonTransformation

carly benson moments of clarity

The moment you know you are ready for something new is pivotal. It’s loud. It’s undeniable. You may hear a whisper about it for a while but eventually it turns into a scream. Sometimes it feels like time freezes briefly as your soul is shaken or cradled. Other times it just becomes an unwavering certainty. It happens to everyone at … Read More

The Best Thing About Sobriety

Carly BensonSobriety, Transformation

interview carly benson sexy sobriety

In my recent interview with Sexy Sobriety, we dove head first into my past relationship with alcohol and drugs, what caused me to quit, how I sustained my sobriety and what my lifestyle looks like on the other side of the bottle. Besides all of the benefits we discussed throughout the conversations, I was asked, “What is the best thing … Read More

What We See In Others Is A Reflection

Carly BensonTransformation

everyone is a reflection of ourselves

Life is a delicate process of working to better ourselves. Sometimes this entails healing pieces of ourselves to allow that betterment to unfold. Other times, it means stretching ourselves into new levels by shining light and bringing forth our good qualities. Lately, I’ve been noticing how people reflect these pieces of the process back to us through their behaviors and characteristics. I … Read More

Learning How To Slow Down

Carly BensonPersonal Development

slowing down,

Life can get overwhelming at times. We get caught up in the hustle of life everyday. Making sure our work is completed, the grocery shopping, our errands, returning phone calls, texts and emails, getting the kids to and from, spending time with our loved ones, cooking, cleaning, working out and the list begins to stack a mile high. It’s important … Read More

Tips For Staying Sober During The Holidays

Carly BensonSobriety

gift of sobriety, stay sober during the holidays

Tis the season to be jolly…for most. For others, it’s also a season to be overly anxious and nervous about staying sober for many who are living a life in sobriety. This is my sixth year of sober holiday festivities and I thought it might be beneficial for some to have a few helpful tips for staying sober during the … Read More

Accepting The Past

Carly BensonSobriety

accepting the past carly benson

One of the biggest hurdles for me entering into sobriety was accepting that I had a problem. It was so hard to face the music, swallow my pride and admit that my drinking and drugging was not normal. I had to accept that I couldn’t do moderation, I needed help and that I needed to accept my past for what … Read More