Sobriety Requires Surrender

Carly BensonSobriety

sobriety surrender

Sweet, sober surrender. It’s a constant process. It’s a consistent tug on the pride strings. It takes courage.  I give things up to God, my higher power, on the regular, and then I catch myself taking them right back. One of the hardest parts of sobriety is admitting, “I don’t got this.” Surrendering to the fact that alcohol or drugs … Read More

Overcoming Shame and Guilt

Carly BensonPersonal Development

overcoming shame and guilt

I recently completed training to become a Certified Christian Life Coach. I’m going through the certification process and have already started working with a few clients on faith and spiritual development as well as sobriety mentoring. An area of study that I’ve personally spent a lot of time on is overcoming shame and guilt. This comes up in so many … Read More

6 Lessons For Handling Stress

Carly BensonPersonal Development

carly benson handling stress yoga

I’m coming off of a pretty challenging and frustrating week. I didn’t have any thing particularly bad happen, it was more a series of tiny events that just seemed to keep piling on top of me. I had a cold, my sciatica was acting up and from there it just seemed like everything was a stressor. However, I learned some … Read More

The Game Before The Game

Carly BensonPersonal Development

gods armor

We’ve all had something in life that we have prepared for or even fought for. Whether it was a goal, an event, training for something or a dream we are chasing. When I recently watched the Beats By Dre World Cup commercial, I could not help but be inspired and to ultimately question my faith. If you have not watched … Read More

An Exercise For Living In The Present Moment

Carly BensonPersonal Development

living in the present moment

Living in the present moment is a practice that takes time, real mindfulness and it must be exercised like anything else you are trying to build upon. During a meditation and prayer time, I stumbled upon an exercise for living in the present moment that has started a shift in my life and helped me to see the benefits of … Read More

Fear Is Beauty Disguised

Carly BensonAffirmations

angels landing zion national park

This past week I hiked Angel’s Landing in Zion National Park. It’s well known as one of the most dangerous hiking trails in the country and it’s also pretty strenuous. I’m relatively athletic and have an extreme affection for adventure, but I have to be honest in saying I was pretty scared to climb it. Fear was permeating my body … Read More

Just Be Patient

Carly BensonPersonal Development


As I was enjoying my morning coffee and quiet time a couple weeks ago, thinking and praying, I found myself getting very caught up in the future. Trying to plan things out and make a road map for exactly what I was going to do, where I wanted to go, and how I wanted things to unfold. As my thoughts … Read More

Transformation Tuesday: 15 Lessons of Transformation

Carly BensonPersonal Development

carly benson transformation tuesday

Some times I get people who ask me how I changed my life. How did I quit drinking and using cocaine? Why did I quit? There must have been something absolutely terrible that happened to make me undergo such a drastic transformation. Sure, I had my fair share of regrets, bad decisions and less than good experiences such as overdosing, … Read More

8 UPsides of Upside Down

Carly BensonPersonal Development

upside down life

Man, my world was rocked recently! Flipped upside down. Faith challenged. Tested and dragged beyond my comfort limits. A dramatic series of events and intense emotional warfare I haven’t experienced in a very long time. But guess what? I’m not going to dwell in the suckery of it all. I’m going to spare the details, because they are insignificant. What … Read More

6 Steps to Get Back On Track

Carly BensonPersonal Development

get back on track

I have something I need to get off my chest.  The past few weeks I have been completely sidetracked and have fallen out of my routine.  I’ve felt like my writing wasn’t good enough to post and started to feel like what I was talking about wasn’t relevant. The goal is to get back on track. I took some time … Read More