Seeing Things With New Eyes

Carly BensonSobriety, Transformation

carly benson miracles are brewing

Last weekend I shared a post on my Instagram, and it was a very powerful and shifting realization for me. So, I figured I should share it here with you as well. As I was sitting in my backyard, early on Saturday morning, I was enjoying my homemade BulletProof coffee with my dog, Elly, and I ironically found myself enjoying … Read More

2 Reasons Why Emotions Are Important

Carly BensonPersonal Development

carly benson miracles are brewing

Emotions are something a lot of people have a hard time with whether it’s moving through them or expressing them. I used to numb my feelings with alcohol and drugs. I didn’t have some horrible life I was trying to forget about by any means, which often fueled my rationality. Rather, my numbing was more of an escape from reality … Read More

Every Ending Is A New Beginning

Carly BensonPersonal Development

They say Easter demonstrates how much can happen in just 3 days and I can’t help but take it as a beautiful sign that my birthday coincided with the celebration of resurrection this year. This is an amazing display of new beginnings that I was honored to feel so in harmony with. It’s a reminder to us all that there … Read More

Little Things Matter – 5 Little Reminders

Carly BensonPersonal Development

little things matter carly benson

As I wandered the streets of Barcelona, I couldn’t help but notice the attention to detail at every turn. Each of the buildings were uniquely designed with accents and grand architectural touches. Not only that but the whole city is from the 1700’s and they carefully crafted it into present times keeping all of the original character in tact, which … Read More

3 Reminders To Keep You In The Christmas Spirit

Carly BensonSpirituality

the christmas spirit carly benson

I was driving around all week in the madness that is Christmas shopping season. Traffic around my town is absolutely insane and it gave me time and plenty of reason to become very aware of the vibes circulating in the air right now. I couldn’t help but notice how crazy things seem to be around this time of year. I … Read More

You Cannot Invest Your Soul In A Compromise

Carly BensonPersonal Development

you cannot invest your soul in a compromise carly benson

I recently wrote about the importance of knowing what we want in life and being mindful of what we compromise on as well as what our non-negotiables are. The other part of that lesson I’ve learned is that you cannot invest your soul in a compromise. If your life, lifestyle or life choices are not in harmony with who you … Read More

What’s In Your Hyphen?

Carly BensonPersonal Development

carly benson spend your time wisely

I saw and posted a quote not too long ago that really got me thinking. It said: “If you truly want to know what a person’s goals and dreams are, ask them what they do on a Sunday afternoon.” – Meredith Marple I used to spend my Sunday afternoons in misery for how I spent my time throughout the weekend … Read More

Your Tribe Affects Your Vibe

Carly BensonPersonal Development

your tribe affects your vibe carly benson

I was recently tagged in a video dancing at a pool party and while it was all in good, sober fun for me, it was brought to my attention by several people that it didn’t seem too fitting for the lifestyle I write and speak about. I’m all about demonstrating that you can still have a ton of fun in … Read More

Home Is Not A Place It’s A Feeling

Carly BensonAffirmations, Personal Development

home is not a place its a feeling

If you follow along on my Instagram, you know that I travel quite a bit. Living the suitcase life really makes you have an appreciation for home. Or at least the moments that feel like it. Recently in my travels I started to realize that home is not a place, it’s a feeling. And that was solidified tonight as I … Read More