13 Miracles Uncovered While Traveling Abroad

Carly BensonPersonal Development

not all those who wander are lost, travel, wanderlust

I’ve been on a bit of a sabbatical, so I apologize you have not heard from me as much lately.  This is a longer post in part because I haven’t been writing as often and need to get back into the groove, but more so because I have so many wonderful things to share. If you have time to read … Read More

Rejection, Miracles & World Domination

Carly BensonPersonal Development

Rejection is like chicken, jia jiang, rejection therapy

Rejection. Even just spelling that out makes me a bit uneasy. It’s appearance is about as unpleasant as the feelings it invokes. The negative connotation that surrounds being rejected has made us into a culture that hides from it. As if it has crazy superpowers over us at times. The fear of it. The feel of it. The avoidance of … Read More

Meaningful Conversations

Carly BensonPersonal Development


Today I write in awe of how grateful I am for the people in my life. New, old, repaired and even the damaged relationships around me are gentle reminders of how we are all interconnected. I’ve been fortunate this past week, in particular, to have so many meaningful conversations, from serious, to sad, to prayerful to advice-full, to playful and … Read More

An Invitation To See & An Interview

Carly BensonSpirituality

I just finished a book and a bible study on Invitations from God by Adele Calhoun.  What a miraculous book! The lessons I’ve learned during this season have been tremendous. The book teaches us all the invitations we get from God and reminds us of all the ways we can be invited closer to him. They include an Invitation to: … Read More

Hidden Lessons, Hidden Potential

Carly BensonPersonal Development

hidden potential

Some of the most valuable lessons I have learned stemmed from letting go of the need I used to have to control everything.  To live a perfect, regimented life and by doing so, I’d never get hurt.  Right? Wrong.  Over time I’ve learned that it actually hurt me more to live in my perfectionistic bubble. I have learned to let … Read More

3 Tips to Overcome Negativity

Carly BensonPersonal Development

If you allow your thoughts and feelings to stay in a negative state, your situation will likely stay there as well.  What you choose to focus on will ultimately remain your reality.  When you realize you don’t need to think negatively and that you DO have a choice, it becomes easier to make the decision not to stay in that … Read More

Let Go of Your Unworthiness

Carly BensonPersonal Development

One of the biggest distractions we face as humans is when we hold on to unworthiness.  That all too recognizable feeling we get when we think we aren’t good enough.  This is a paralyzing trick our ego plays on us as often as possible and it can be the sole reason to keep us stuck in unhealthy patterns, relationships and … Read More

The First Step Towards Finding Happiness

Carly BensonAffirmations

The formal definition of happiness is: a state of well being characterized by a range of emotions from contentment to intense joy. I recently started to ponder what my definition of “happiness,” would be if someone asked me. I believe everyone knows it to be the same type of feeling, but that similarity in feeling is often a brought about … Read More

Fall In Love…With You

Carly BensonPersonal Development

Realize that you need to spend time with yourself.  Get to know those parts of  yourself that you have been avoiding or running from.  There is a shift that will happen when you get comfortable being alone.  Your thoughts become louder and you get to a place where you are forced to confront your situation.  There is an inner strength … Read More

Show Appreciation

Carly BensonAffirmations

This practice is so simple, yet we tend to forget to do it as often as we should.  Simultaneous things start happening all at once when we get into a practice of showing appreciation. First, you honor those who have helped you or that you need to thank.  By honoring them in your mind you recognize a deed they did … Read More