4 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Got Addicted

Carly BensonAddiction, Sobriety, Transformation

what i wish I knew before I got addicted carly benson miracles are brewing

No one begins their drinking or drugging career thinking they’d like to develop an addiction. You don’t start out boozing, snorting lines of coke or taking pills with the notion that you would like to make this your daily routine. It’s not something you aspire to work towards or some glorious thing you set out to do. “They” tell you … Read More

5 Guiding Principles That Transformed My Sobriety

Carly BensonSobriety, Transformation

retired blackout artist carly benson sobriety principles

Walking the path of sobriety and living in recovery takes bravery and a great deal of willingness. I work with a lot of people now in my sobriety coaching practice and so many of my clients have similar fears and questions. How do I get sober? Where do I start? How do I explain it to friends and family? Does me not … Read More

How I Coped With My Anxiety

Carly BensonSobriety, Transformation

how to cope with anxiety using breath carly benson miracles are brewing

I’ll never forget – it was late 2007 and I was sitting in a meeting at my very corporate America job. The meeting was with our Human Resources department to go over our benefits, health insurance, 401k plans, etc. It was afternoon and I had just come from lunch. As I was sitting in the meeting, she was talking about … Read More

8 Years Sober And I’m Still Remembering Why I Started

Carly BensonSobriety, Transformation

8 years sober remember why you started carly benson miracles are brewing

Last week I celebrated 8 years of sobriety from alcohol and cocaine. If you follow my Instagram, you saw that I took a time out to reflect on what that all means to me by celebrating with some adventures in Venice Beach and Santa Monica, California. Yesterday I did an interview with Shair Podcast about my sober journey and it … Read More

The Miracle of Recovery

Carly BensonSobriety, Transformation

Dearest MAB Tribe – I need your support! An article of mine was published on Addiction Unscripted, a huge resource for the recovery community, and has been chosen as a semi-finalist for a writing challenge. First place with the most votes receives $500! If you follow my story or if Miracles Are Brewing has touched you in any way, please do me … Read More

What Sobriety Taught Me About Procrastination

Carly BensonPersonal Development, Sobriety

Procrastination: one word with such a powerful meaning behind it. We all do it. I will admit I am often guilty of putting things off. I was in a therapy coaching session of my own a couple years ago sifting through pieces of my recovery story trying to uncover why I seem to procrastinate sometimes on important things – like … Read More

Recovery Goes Beyond Just Staying Clean

Carly BensonSobriety, Spirituality

recovery sobriety carly benson

Whether you’re in recovery or not, let’s be honest, we’re all recovering from something: the loss of someone or something; a way of life that is no more. To fill the voids of life, we are always on an incessant quest for more, more, more along with our need for immediate gratification in a world where constant distraction consumes us. … Read More

Just For Today

Carly BensonAffirmations

just for today carly benson

As many of you know, I recently celebrated seven years of sobriety and while it was a time of honoring my commitment, it was also, ironically, a time of questioning it as well. I found myself wondering if I wanted to be sober “forever.” It was a time of serious contemplation and reflection for me, which I indicated on the … Read More

Sobriety And Fear Of Missing Out

Carly BensonSobriety

sobriety and fear of missing out

One of the hardest things I remember about giving up the party scene was a constant fear of missing out by not going out or being there. Sobriety and fear of missing out often go hand in hand. “What if something fun happens that I miss?” “What if they have fun without me?” “I’m so lame for staying in and … Read More