Let Peace Be Your Guide

Carly BensonPersonal Development

let peace be your guide, peace

As I was watching Joel Osteen a couple weekends ago, he touched on something that really resonated with me. His sermon challenged the audience to see how closely they are listening to the subtle clues that come from within each and everyday. He nailed it when he said, “Let peace be your guide.” When I think back to all my … Read More

Just Be Patient

Carly BensonPersonal Development


As I was enjoying my morning coffee and quiet time a couple weeks ago, thinking and praying, I found myself getting very caught up in the future. Trying to plan things out and make a road map for exactly what I was going to do, where I wanted to go, and how I wanted things to unfold. As my thoughts … Read More

30 Things Happy People Believe

Carly BensonPersonal Development

happy people carly benson jumping for joy

Miracles Brewers I have some exciting news! At the beginning of the year, a goal was set to branch out, spread the wings and send some writing off to other sites for exposure as well as to grow as a writer. One of my very favorite sites for fun, eloquent and extremely authentic article reading is Thought Catalog. It is … Read More

It All Starts With A Vision

Carly BensonPersonal Development

have a vision

It all starts with a vision. Having a vision is a fundamental key to happiness. If you want the best, you must be willing to let go of the average. You cannot grab a hold of better if both your hands are holding on to good enough. The best does not exist in mediocrity. With that, bare minimum will never produce … Read More

A Simple Exercise To Find Happiness By Reconnecting To It

Carly BensonPersonal Development

kid with a cape, fearlessness, transformation

When I was a little girl, I would play office. Some little girls played with dolls or Barbie’s or had tea parties, but nope, not me. I’d set up my desk for success with staplers, pens, paper in a variety of assortments if I might add, a phone and yes, even invoices. My happiness was so simple and uncomplicated at … Read More

Transformation Tuesday: 15 Lessons of Transformation

Carly BensonPersonal Development

carly benson transformation tuesday

Some times I get people who ask me how I changed my life. How did I quit drinking and using cocaine? Why did I quit? There must have been something absolutely terrible that happened to make me undergo such a drastic transformation. Sure, I had my fair share of regrets, bad decisions and less than good experiences such as overdosing, … Read More

Balance In Life Is Fundamental To Happiness

Carly BensonPersonal Development

balance in life

Life is a delicate and constant balancing act. It takes work. But more importantly it takes awareness. Too much of any thing can throw us out of step. On the flip side when we lack certain things, it can also cause us to feel out of sync, which is why I believe balance in life is fundamental to happiness. This … Read More

6 Steps To Move Forward From Mistakes

Carly BensonPersonal Development

moving forward from mistakes

Every month when the 17th rolls around, I am reminded of the miracle that happened in my life.  It was August 17, 2008 when everything changed.  Some of you know my story and others may not.  This was the day that I shut the door to some of my bad habits and open the door to faith, God and a … Read More