Alcohol ls A Depressant

Carly BensonAddiction, Alcohol free, Anxiety, Sobriety, Spirituality

carly benson miracles are brewing alcohol is a depressant

What we put in our body affects how we feel. How we feel affects, and quite frankly is, our state of being aka consciousness, which is essentially our vibration. So, when we consume things that ultimately make us feel bad, we lower our state of being and when we lower our state, this lowers our vibration. It sounds woo-woo when you … Read More

How I Went From Cocaine Comedowns, Anxiety & Alcoholism To A Sober Life I Love

Carly BensonAddiction, Intentional Living, Sobriety, Transformation

I can remember the time when my Saturday afternoons were filled with day drinking at the pool to nurse the cocaine comedown I had just come off of. Friday’s were for happy hours that turned into sunrise, so naturally Saturday became an extension of the party. After getting a couple hours of bird chirping, soul sucking, halfway sleeping but more … Read More

Why Self Care Is Important

Carly BensonPersonal Development

self care miracles are brewing

Well, hello there beautiful MAB tribe! I hope the start to your New Year has been glorious. As we start off 2017, I’ve been powerfully reminded about why self care is important. If you’ve been following my Instagram, you may know that I have been traveling the last several weeks. I was on a cruise in the Caribbean for the … Read More

Surrender Is An Invitation For Greatness

Carly BensonSobriety, Spirituality

surrender is an invitation for greatness

This past month I’ve been spending some time in inquiry of what it truly means to surrender. This has always been a topic near and dear to my heart because the day I got sober was a moment of sweet surrender for me in which my life was changed forever. That day on August 17, 2008 I got down on … Read More

How I Coped With My Anxiety

Carly BensonSobriety, Transformation

how to cope with anxiety using breath carly benson miracles are brewing

I’ll never forget – it was late 2007 and I was sitting in a meeting at my very corporate America job. The meeting was with our Human Resources department to go over our benefits, health insurance, 401k plans, etc. It was afternoon and I had just come from lunch. As I was sitting in the meeting, she was talking about … Read More

The Power of Solitude

Carly BensonSobriety, Spirituality, Transformation

the power of solitude carly benson miracles are brewing

This week Needy Helper and interviewed me about my sober journey. It was interesting to hear both sets of questions and how similar they were. I suppose it is because a lot of people who are trying to get sober or are newly sober have the same questions about how to be successful with their own sobriety. The question … Read More

You Are Right Where You Should Be

Carly BensonAffirmations, Spirituality

when angels are near feathers appear miracles are brewing

I found this feather at the top floor of a parking garage where there’s literally no birds. The chances of this feather falling and landing right on my path in front of my car are very slim. I couldn’t help but think it was planted right there, just for me. It’s said, “When angels are near, feathers appear.” It was a … Read More

8 Ways To Worry Less

Carly BensonPersonal Development

how to worry less carly benson miracles are brewing

I’ve been catching myself worrying quite a bit lately. Worrying about details, choices, little things, big things. It’s crazy because once our minds get into worry mode we can find ourselves worrying about everything. It can sweep us up into a bad cycle if we are not careful. So, I sat with it. I caught myself getting stuck in negative … Read More

Humble Yourself To Better Yourself

Carly BensonAffirmations, Sobriety, Spirituality

sobriety carly benson

Sobriety has been a humbling process and has taught me that humility is often the cornerstone to changing your life and becoming a better person. It is said that from humble beginnings come great things and I’ve found this to be so accurate and true. Last week I spoke in front of a group of amazing young women for Fellowship of … Read More