Transformation Tuesday: 15 Lessons of Transformation

Carly BensonPersonal Development

carly benson transformation tuesday

Some times I get people who ask me how I changed my life. How did I quit drinking and using cocaine? Why did I quit? There must have been something absolutely terrible that happened to make me undergo such a drastic transformation. Sure, I had my fair share of regrets, bad decisions and less than good experiences such as overdosing, … Read More

A Faith Like Mine

Carly BensonSpirituality

advice about faith

“How do I get faith like the one you have?” I get this question a lot lately. While this always humbles me, I cannot take credit for my faith. There is only one answer to that question. I can tell you that it happens through GOD. He is the sole answer. The following is an excerpt of my side of … Read More

What If Faith Is The Answer

Carly BensonSpirituality

universe faith god

So often I get approached by people looking for answers or advice about many things. It seems like a subject that continues to arise is faith. People always ask me how I got the faith that I have and so openly talk about. Especially after the post from last week, I got a lot of people asking me to dive … Read More

What Faith Is To Me

Carly BensonSpirituality

faith is, what is faith

Faith, to me, is… Believing with certainty based on knowledge of the soul, which is beyond the need for physical proof. Realizing that I don’t have all the answers. Counting my blessings. Letting go. Something extremely unique and individual for everyone. A treasure that no one can take away from me. When I don’t allow my wants or desires to … Read More

13 Miracles Uncovered While Traveling Abroad

Carly BensonPersonal Development

not all those who wander are lost, travel, wanderlust

I’ve been on a bit of a sabbatical, so I apologize you have not heard from me as much lately.  This is a longer post in part because I haven’t been writing as often and need to get back into the groove, but more so because I have so many wonderful things to share. If you have time to read … Read More

A Prayer For Addiction

Carly BensonSpirituality

Serenity Prayer

As I reflect on the recent news of Cory Monteith’s death, it brings tears to my eyes; yet another human life taken by drugs. How many times have we heard this same sad story, over and over? I’ve had numerous friends die in drug related deaths, some of them more shocking than others. Right at this very moment, I can … Read More

A 20-Day Guide to Better Spiritual Conversations

Carly BensonSpirituality

passionate prayer

As we bring the series of meaningful conversations to a close, yes, I saved the best for last – spiritual conversations. Warning: It’s a long post and it could cause MIRACULOUS things to happen in your life. Since publishing this blog, I’ve had many people approach me and ask me how to pray or how to establish a relationship with … Read More

Are You Exercising, Spiritually?

Carly BensonSpirituality


In today’s world, we constantly hear about the importance of eating clean.  What you put into you body really does dictate your health and the longevity of your life.  We read about the importance of nourishing our bodies with good foods like fruits and vegetables. Or how we should cut sugar from our diet. Added to that often comes the topic … Read More