12 Goodbyes To Consider

Carly BensonTransformation

goodbye, letting go, tulum

I had a dream the other night where I was giving a speech to my graduating class from college. I prepared the talk and let a friend read it. This person looked at me after reading it and said, “It’s alright, but nothing pisses me off more than when I see someone is being mediocre when they have greatness inside … Read More

Accepting Our Assignments In Life

Carly BensonTransformation

accepting your mission in life

We live in a society that is driven by the white picket fence, fairytale, happy-ever-after mentality that is painted in movies, books and across media. The reality of this is that it’s not always meant to be happily ever after. We meet people and enter into relationships for love or business and we immediately begin fantasizing about this being the … Read More

10 Truths About Accepting Life

Carly BensonSobriety

accepting life

I saw a quote the other day that spoke so loudly to me. It said: “You only see what your eyes want to see.” The reason this resonated with me is because in my journey of life and sobriety, I can remember so many times that I didn’t accept life as it was happening in front of me. I always … Read More

Sobriety is a Lifestyle

Carly BensonSobriety

sobriety is a lifestyle carly benson

If you or anyone you know has struggled with alcoholism or addiction, my guess is that moderation, or lack thereof, is the basis for those struggles. For me, I couldn’t just have a couple drinks and call it a night. It was always balls to the wall, nights that turned into sunrise, the whole bottle instead of a couple cocktails … Read More

Sobriety Begins With Awareness

Carly BensonSobriety

advice on going sober awareness

I have a lot of people that approach me about going sober and I’ve also noticed a lot of people in my circles of friends who want to give it a try for 30-60-90 days. It seems to be a reoccurring theme so I decided to write more pieces with advice for going sober to talk about what the sobriety … Read More

33 Things Sobriety Taught Me To Be Thankful For

Carly BensonSobriety

carly benson yoga handstand cabo

Significant life change starts with a simple change of perspective and is sustained through the practice of unconditional gratitude.  -Carly Benson I just got back from an amazing trip to Cabo San Lucas, where I was celebrating my commitment to major life change, exercising constant courage and the anniversary of my retirement from a deep-seeded career in alcohol and cocaine … Read More

4 Tips To Successfully Break A Habit

Carly BensonTransformation

the dome tea room edinburgh scotland

Today marks exactly 30 days off coffee for me. Surprisingly the first 10 days were easier than the last couple of weeks. It really got me to thinking about how we are such creatures of habit. I began to examine what worked for me in breaking this habit of coffee drinking, which, for anyone that knows me, has been that … Read More

Transformation Starts With A New Beginning

Carly BensonTransformation

new beginnings, transformation

For many, the start of a new month brings with it the hope for new beginnings. I’ve noticed that it seems to be the time of year for the winds of change to blow. With that, I’m reminded that sometimes we need our worlds to be rocked. We need to be rattled, torn down and we all need to reach … Read More

Transformation Tuesday: 102 Days In Hell

Carly BensonTransformation

transformation grace

Since starting Miracles Are Brewing, I have been approached by many people for advice on getting sober, which tends to lend itself to a conversation of faith as well. Last August I was introduced to a friend of a friend who was at the height of a breakdown from alcoholism, addiction and the harsh reality that he might be faced … Read More