The Power Of Visualization

Carly BensonPersonal Development, Spirituality, Yoga

the power of visualization miracles are brewing carly benson

I seldom miss posting a blog, but last week I was traveling to LA for a lecture at Wanderlust Hollywood and a beautiful miracle happened right before I was leaving. I needed some time to gather my thoughts as I was pretty elated by the news and wanted to be sure not to rush in my sharing of it with you.

The story I’m about to tell is something I think we should all put into practice in our lives, especially those of us trying to make positive changes.

In 2013 I began my power flow yoga practice, which at the time I did not realize would become both a staple to my recovery as well as a grander vision for the future.

Fast forward to 2015.

I started my journey to become certified as a yoga teacher with the Baptiste Institute. I completed Level One – Journey Into Power in June, knowing that Level Two – Sannyasin’s Journey would be the next step to complete the training and double certification as both a Baptiste and 200YTT teacher.

However, I tabled going to the second half of the training as it was expensive and I wanted to let it marinate a bit. Then life happened, as you can all relate I’m sure, and the next thing I knew, I was heading out to the West coast to see what life would hand me there with the completion of my training tucked into the back of my mind.

With all the commotion of traveling and moving around this year, I had sort of made the decision to pass on the next available training in October 2016 because of timing and expenses, mostly.

However, the training was nearing and I was having a parallel desire to get back to my roots and core desires for starting on my yoga teacher training journey. Around this same time, I received notice I was receiving a sum of money in almost the exact amount that was needed for the training.

I took this as a divine sign that I should, indeed, pursue getting registered for Level Two being that the training was just 3 short weeks away.

However, much to my dismay, the training was completely sold out. I added my name to the waitlist in hopes that I’d get in. My contact told me there were a handful of people in front of me on the waitlist, so it basically meant that all the stars would have to align for this to happen now.

In this moment, I had two choices.

I could allow my mind to tell me I had been defeated, that I’d never get into the program and to just start looking for other avenues OR I could focus my attention on being there as a definite, which is exactly what I did.

I began to meditate and think about what it would mean to finish this goal I had set out on long ago. What it would feel like to be in Sedona, walking down the path to get to the place where we practice everyday, what the landscape there looked like, what it would feel like to be in one of the hardest practices of my life and how I would feel when it was all said and done. I put myself there, vividly imagining as many details as I could not just about what it would look like, but also what it would feel like.

Then I prayed about it. I asked God to create a way if it was meant to be. I told Him that even though I would be disappointed, I would accept that it was not part of the plan if I didn’t get into the training. I let go of the outcome, but I faithfully kept my thoughts on this unexplainable knowing that I would somehow be there.

I put an email into the lady who handles registrations last week to see how things were looking and what she thought my chances were. I got an email back from her saying:

At this point we are actually over sold due to a glitch in our waitlist system. I do not foresee inviting additional participants at this time. If that should change, I will reach out to you.”

To which I replied, “Thanks so much for the update. I will be forever grateful if it works out to squeeze me in somehow.”

While I was somewhat sad, I let it go again but without giving up hope.

About an hour later, I got another email stating I was approved off the waitlist! Miraculously so.

I had never really toyed with or understood the power of visualization until I clearly saw it happen as I inadvertently put it to the test in this situation. I strongly believe that my mindset and visualizations followed by prayer and surrender for the highest good were the catalyst for seeing this goal become a reality.

I was so blown away by how everything unfolded, that I went searching for more evidence to solidify my inclinations and here is what I found:

Psychology Today published an article about the power of visualization stating, “Brain studies now reveal that thoughts produce the same mental instructions as actions. Mental imagery impacts many cognitive processes in the brain: motor control, attention, perception, planning, and memory. So the brain is getting trained for actual performance during visualization. It’s been found that mental practices can enhance motivation, increase confidence and self-efficacy, improve motor performance, prime your brain for success, and increase states of flow – all relevant to achieving your best life.”

Mind Body Green did a write up on successful people who use the power of visualization in their careers from professional athletes to movie actors. Jim Carey is known for his visualization strategy when he wrote himself a check for $10 million dollars as he was just starting out in his career as an actor only to later find out that he would be paid exactly that amount for a leading role in the movie Dumb and Dumber.

I know a lot of people think this topic is a bit too woo-woo and heady, which is why I included some additional research to support that visualization can be a very powerful tool for reaching goals and creating a life you love.

The message that came across for me in this exercise was that it was so important to see myself doing the things I want to be doing, achieving the goals I have set and living a life that makes me excited to get out of bed in the morning.

The key, I’m realizing, is that if we can’t picture it all happening then chances are it never will.

I believe another key component to visualizing is praying for guidance in the unfolding of our visions to make sure it is in line with God’s plan for our life. And not only praying for it, but also being okay if it doesn’t happen because we have a firm belief that everything is always happening for our greater good.

We must surrender the outcome and accept what happens as what is meant to be for our highest good.

I encourage you to spend some time getting clear on the visions you have for your life. Get inside the vision and be there fully. Pray about it. Surrender to it. And watch what happens.

If you’ve had an experience with visualization, I’d love to hear from you. Drop me a comment on the blog and let me know what you’re going to vision for yourself or how your visions have come to be in your life.

I hope this message serves you. I’ll be taking the next 2 weeks off from writing as I head out to actualize this dream of mine and then I’ll be focused on finalizing the new website I’ve been working on for us along with new training programs and a retreat. Using this powerful practice, I can assure you that Miracles ARE Brewing.

“Create the highest, grandest vision possible for your life, because you become what you believe.” – Oprah Winfrey


Seeing Is Believing: The Power of Visualization, AJ LeVan, Psychology Today,, Dec 2009

8 Successful People Who Use The Power of Visualization, Anna Williams, MindBodyGreen,, July 2015