Things Are Happening FOR You

Carly BensonPersonal Development

Trust and know that things are not happening to you, they are happening FOR you.  The benefit you garner from each incident in your life is completely up to you.

You can learn and grow as a person, strengthen your relationship with God, lean on your faith and love yourself through the process or you can choose to get stuck.  When you get stuck you fill up on regret, negativity, sadness, revenge and all of the evil emotions out there that often lead to denial and emotional distress.

What you really should stay focused on is that everything is happening for the betterment of you.   The positive side of a trial is for your benefit in that God’s trying to show you something you need to learn and add to your toolbox.  As we travel through life we pick up lessons and tools along the way that shape us into our true form and deliver to us to our destiny.  Often the worst times of our lives turn into the best.  This is where hindsight comes into play.

From this perspective, you come out on the other side of a trial and are able to look back and smile after the storm has cleared as you see what you were supposed to learn and where it was leading you.  Problems are actually paths. In every single problem we face we have the ability to CHOOSE our response.  That response leads us along our path.

We navigate through our problems in life and each day we make it a few steps farther on our journey.  When you respond positively, you create a more positive journey.