When I First Quit Drinking It Seemed Impossible

Carly BensonAddiction, Sobriety, Transformation

When I think back to when I quit drinking and using it seems like another lifetime or a dream. At the time, it seemed like I was attempting the impossible.

Now, looking back, I realize it was the necessary step to lead me to my current reality. There are SO many things that actually would have been impossible if I didn’t take the leap and make the change. I may not even be here today able to write these messages to you. I was on a bad path, heading nowhere fast.

There are many of you who feel that way right now. You want to quit, but you don’t know how or are afraid to take the first step. Maybe you are newly sober and you’re not sure how to stay the course. Or maybe you’ve been sober for a while but you are craving more connection and practices to deepen your sobriety. Wherever you maybe in your journey, consider that maybe it’s time to take some action.

Sometimes we have to just say, screw it, LET’S DO it. I practiced this myself by forcing myself to go outside of my comfort zone this week to be a stand for doing what sometimes feels impossible and to walk my talk.

Yesterday I did something I was scared of, wait no let’s be honest – I was terrified.

My mind was telling me I wouldn’t be good at it and tried to talk me out of it a million times. BUT I pushed through and did it anyways.

I found one of my edges – like a ledge you are afraid to look over – and I danced with it. The fear was physically running through my body, but I took some deep breaths and went for it.

I did my first Facebook LIVE to share more about my story and how Miracles Are Brewing came to be. It was AWESOME and not nearly as scary I thought it would be.

Why did I do this?

Well, for a couple of reasons. One, I want to connect with you guys more. I want to hear from you and provoke conversations that matter. I wanted to say thank you for the support over the years. And I wanted to talk about some recent happenings for you get involved in.

The Sober Senorita and I recently released a free ebook about How To Quit Drinking and we hope it landed in your hands. You can get it HERE if you haven’t yet.

This week we also announced the next level!! Join us for the #1WeekNoDrink Challenge starting, Monday, April 10th, just in time for Alcohol Awareness Month. We will take you on a journey for 7 days of alcohol-free living.

Here’s the deal…

I decided that if I was going to suggest a challenge to others that I must also be willing to challenge myself. So, I faced one of my fears and pressed GO LIVE on Facebook. No re-do’s or editing and went in front of 33,000+ people.

I hope this encourages you to face off with and do the thing you are afraid of. Maybe that’s quitting drinking, maybe it’s something else. But whatever it is: DO IT. It’s never as scary as our minds make it out to be.

If nothing else, let this be a reminder that WE CAN DO HARD THINGS you guys!

If your scary monster is putting down the booze, I sure hope you will take the leap and join us for the challenge.

All you need to do to participate is  SIGN UP HERE – that’s it! FREE, easy and empowering!

Don’t worry – I’m not going to blow up your inbox if you decide this isn’t for you. So, if you want to sign up, this is the time to take action!

For the action takers, once you sign up, YOU’RE IN! On April 10th we will kick things off.

Here is what you can expect:

  • Daily emails with something to focus and reflect on for that day.
  • Motivational quotes and mini-assignments each day to help you stay on track.
  • An online tribe of people who are all doing the challenge that you’ll be connected to so you can make new sober friends and get inspired by each other!
  • Some swagged out giveaways at the end of the challenge for the peeps who participate using the hashtag #1WeekNoDrink.
  • We will be following along with each of you and will be here to answer questions, offer guidance and engage with you the whole way!

Also, be sure to join the FACEBOOK EVENT GROUP to stay connected, accountable and to get the LIVE sessions we will be hosting throughout the challenge to answer questions and interact with all of you! There is already an amazing group of people who are doing this and we want you to join us!

If this sounds like something you are ready for, SIGN UP for the challenge and let’s rock this TOGETHER!

We hope to see you there so you can see what is possible for you! Who’s coming with us?!

P.S. I invite you to head over to watch the LIVE on the Miracles Are Brewing Facebook page and say what’s up by clicking here!