30 Things Happy People Believe

Carly BensonPersonal Development

happy people carly benson jumping for joy

Miracles Brewers I have some exciting news! At the beginning of the year, a goal was set to branch out, spread the wings and send some writing off to other sites for exposure as well as to grow as a writer. One of my very favorite sites for fun, eloquent and extremely authentic article reading is Thought Catalog. It is with serious joy (I’m jumping for it) that I present you with my first published article on Thought Catalog!

30 Things Happy People Believe

Have you ever seen someone that is genuinely happy and wondered what it was that they were doing? Happiness is a byproduct of our thoughts and ultimately stems from what we believe to be true. When we get into the right mindset, we become the happy people that others wonder about. Check out these simple beliefs to implement to experience more happiness in life.

1. People ultimately all want the same things: to feel needed, loved and appreciated.

2. Everything we want in life is driven by the feeling it stirs inside us. It’s always a feeling.

3. Sometimes we have to agree to disagree. And just because we disagree with someone, doesn’t mean we don’t love them.

4. True love cannot be broken by distance or time. When it’s true, it feels that way.

5. Every single person we meet knows something we don’t know. Having an open mind over passing judgment will always lead to unexpected lessons.

6. No matter where in the world we are, everyone understands a smile. When in doubt, smile.

7. The little things can some times make the biggest difference.

8. Happiness is an inside job. And no matter how we feel on the inside, we are responsible for how we behave on the outside.

9. When we realize no one is perfect, we also realize that those who hurt us are the only ones who can teach us genuine forgiveness.

10. The things in our lives that we cannot change were put there to change us.

To keep reading, head on over to Thought Catalog.  I would greatly appreciate if you could show the love by sharing or liking the article. Since this is my debut with them, the more support it receives the more likely they will publish my writing again. Thanks so much for sharing in this miracle moment with me and more importantly for being your rad self!

“Truly happy people are those who have a source of happiness too deep to be seriously disturbed by ordinary troubles.” -Marion Rich