I Believe…

Carly BensonAffirmations

Happiness stems from what we believe in.  Believe in yourself.  Believe in love.  Believe in miracles…they are brewing…


I Believe…

That people ultimately all want the same things:

To feel needed, loved and appreciated.

I Believe…

That everything we want in life is driven by a

feeling it stirs inside of us.

It’s always a feeling.

I Believe…

That sometimes you have to agree to disagree.

And just because you disagree with someone,

doesn’t mean you don’t love them.

I Believe…

That true love cannot be broken by distance or time.

And that when it is true, you will have zero doubts.

I Believe…

That every single person you meet knows something you don’t know.

I Believe…

That no matter where in the world you are,

Everyone understands a smile.

I Believe…

That the little things can some times make the biggest difference.

I Believe…

That happiness is an inside job.

And no matter how you feel on the inside,

You are responsible for how you behave on the outside.

I Believe…

That when we realize no one is perfect,

 We also realize that those who hurt us are

The only ones who can teach us true forgiveness.

I Believe…

That the things in our lives that we cannot change were put there to change us.

I Believe…

That fear is the devil’s way of keeping us right where we are.

I Believe…

That sometimes you have to decide you want something

More than you are afraid of it.

I Believe…

That the truth always takes care of itself.

I Believe…

That the love you give is directly related to the love you receive.

I Believe…

That wisdom has more to do with

your openness to learn and less to do with

how many birthdays you’ve celebrated.

I Believe…

That learning should be reflected in doing.

I Believe…

That experience is what we get when we don’t get what we want.

I Believe…

That life is very short and presence is

Much more than just being there.

I Believe…

That your attention is one of the most important

Things you can give to someone.

I Believe…

That your loved ones should know exactly who they are always.

You never know when it may be

The last chance you have to tell them.

I Believe…

That we should treasure experiences over possessions.

I Believe…

That an ending is really a beginning.

Depending on how you look at it.

I Believe…

That we should pray our hardest

During the times it is hardest to pray.

I Believe…

That you should always treat others how you would want to be treated.

I Believe…

That you were born because you are going to be important to someone.

Think about that.

I Believe…

That we should always be mindful of the moment.

We never know when we are creating a memory.

I Believe…

That you will never have to force anything that is truly meant for you.

I Believe…

That God doesn’t always give us what we want,

But he always gives us what we need.

Thank you, God, for all the wonderful people and experiences you give us each and every day. Help us to always remember that there is someone out there who is happy with much less than what we have.

“The happiest of people don’t necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything.”

Photo Credit: Not Salmon