The Alcohol Free Accelerator Course
Go alcohol-free using a proprietary, holistic, systematic program designed to help you effectively create a recovery path that’s both customizable & sustainable.
And the best part about it... You can do it at your own pace, on your own time. The Alcohol Free Accelerator is a self-paced, 8-week program designed to help you get to the root of your drinking by taking a deeper look into your subconscious habits, patterns, triggers and beliefs around alcohol and then rewiring and recreating your lifestyle from the inside-out to better support you being alcohol free.
But let's not get too far ahead just yet and start with how you got here to this page...
Most likely you read something I wrote somewhere about my own journey, or as I like to call it adventure, into being alcohol free. Maybe you heard me on a podcast or saw me on Instagram where I said something that resonated with you.
Mayyybe you have been doing some searching on the internet looking for answers about your drinking. However you ended up right here, I’m glad you did!
I’m going to take some wild guesses that might describe you…
✓ Somehow your glass of wine at night turned into a bottle or two.
✓ Your nights out turn into one-too-many or, worse, blacking out.
✓ You wake up mad at yourself, exhausted and maybe even embarrassed too often as the result of your drinking.
✓ You’ve tried to moderate and put rules around your alcohol consumption, which have failed, and maybe even miserably.
✓ You have anxiety and you drink to try to manage it, but yet it's still there and it's getting worse.
✓ You’re questioning if you have a drinking problem.
✓ You KNOW you have a drinking problem but you don’t know how to change it.
✓ Your life is largely based around social activities and work functions that “require” you to drink, so even if you wanted to quit, you don’t know how you would make it in life without alcohol.
✓ Being sober sounds boring and you fear you’ll be saying goodbye to having fun if you give up alcohol.
✓ Calling yourself the A word – Alcoholic – sounds like a nightmare.
✓ Along with that, going to AA meetings would actually be a nightmare. (They aren’t my jam either)
✓ You’ve tried to stop, and have maybe even gotten some days or months under your belt, only to return to your unhealthy relationship with alcohol because you thought you had it under control.
✓ Maybe you are already sober but you feel like a lost puppy who keeps saying, “Now what?”
✓ Drinking isn’t even “fun” anymore, but you can’t seem to stop.
✓ You have told yourself “I’m never drinking again,” more than once and more than likely a few times in the past few weeks or months. But you keep doing it anyways.
Am I close? You see, I know these things because I experienced all of them myself...
If you answered yes or shook your head yes to one or more of the guesses above, you are in the right place my friend. I get it.
This whole going alcohol free thing is hard and learning how to live without alcohol can seem VERY daunting and scary.
Let’s be honest, putting the booze down, explaining it to friends and family, learning how to BE yourself sans substances and actually working through everything underneath it all can feel like a huge undertaking.
However, on the other hand, you know that staying stuck like you have been or continuing down this path that you KNOW in your bones isn’t working anymore leads to a MUCH bigger set of consequences if you continue going like you have been.
What If...
What if you could finally stop thinking about alcohol & letting it take up so much of your mental/physical/emotional energy?
What if alcohol could become insignificant to you?
What if you had the exact tools needed to work through cravings instead of giving into them?
What would if feel like for you to never have a hangover again? To wake up each day happy with your choices the night before?
How would you feel if you could confidently say you don't drink? Not that you "can't" or that something is wrong with you, but that you choose not to consume something that doesn't make you feel good?
What if, as a result of finally putting down the booze, you finally had more energy, got around to all those things you've been meaning to do and got back to doing things that bring you REAL joy?
How would it feel if all that money you have been spending on alcohol to essentially finance hangovers, shame, regret and exhaustion, actually went towards things like getting a massage, going on a vacation, saving for that thing you know you want - the house, car, education?
What if you started to take really good care of yourself and you had better routines in place to help support your emotions, stress, anxiety and boredom?
What if the life you woke up to everyday was something you were happy, or even excited, about again?
What if you could become someone who doesn't drink? Doesn't think about alcohol? Doesn't care about it? Knows they are NOT missing out?
Well, you can. You can have all of this and so much more.
But first we need to get alcohol out of your way. That's what this program is designed to do.
It's has been carefully curated to help you address, heal and elevate yourself beyond thinking you need alcohol to be who you are - to change from the inside-out and become so much more self-aware that you see alcohol for what it really is.
This program will help you stop using alcohol to fill voids that only your own self-love can fill.
This program will help you step into the version of you that's been hiding underneath all the noise, shame, hangovers and angst alcohol has caused for you.
You can become a person who doesn't drink and isn't afraid to own it. A person who has the tools to navigate life without alcohol. A person who is living from their soul, instead of their triggers. A person who lives a life they no longer want to escape.
This is what you can expect to walk away with after doing this program.
If you’re struggling with drinking, you haven’t fully stepped into this way of being or you feel yourself slipping in your sobriety - it might be time for a deep dive into doing some work around you getting/staying alcohol free.
My Alcohol Free Accelerator program teaches all of this and SO much more. It is a comprehensive, holistic approach to creating lasting change by way of helping you recreate yourself and your lifestyle as a person who doesn't drink.
It’s designed to help accelerate you through the process of quitting alcohol & help you step into a new identity so that you BECOME a person alcohol is insignificant to.
Here's Where I Come In...

I've been sober since 2008 & coaching people into successful sobriety since 2013.
I’m a Certified Recovery Coach with over a decade of sobriety under my belt from alcohol and cocaine and half a decade coaching people to quit drinking. Not only do my teachings come from an educational training background with multiple certifications, but more importantly, they offer a resume full of hands-on experience.
It’s important when you learn from someone for something this important that you find someone who has not only studied the books, but who has also actually done the work and can teach from their own experience, both as the student and the teacher.
I’ve been in the trenches.
I know what it feels like to be in your shoes: to be addicted, exhausted, hopeless and desperate.
I know the fears, anxiety and mindset shifts that have to be addressed in order to be successful in achieving a life free from alcohol. After years of working with people there's also very little I haven't heard or helped someone work through.
What I bring to the table is years of hands-on experience. Not only have I done this work personally myself, but I’ve also undergone extensive training and coaching, which has then turned into thousands of hours logged in hands-on coaching experience and multiple sobriety programs & courses designed from that experience, like this.
That said, I've led a successful coaching practice since 2013, working alongside people to help them finally quit drinking after they tried everything else. As a result...
I've developed a proven method to help you quit drinking that's rooted in self-awareness, mindset and holistic practices to help you redesign your lifestyle.
My teaching style comes from a place of complete understanding and compassion as I guide you kick alcohol to the curb once and for all.
I'll help you grow, stretch and experience ah-ha moments that will bring sustainability, freedom and clarity into your perspective around living alcohol-free.
The act of being alcohol free is so much more than not drinking. It's an act of establishing true freedom. You don't just become free from alcohol, you become free from the illusion that you need it.
This will be a weekly practice over the span of 8 weeks. Each week you'll be introduced to a new set of video modules to work through that week. They range from 5-20 minutes each & are bite-sized so you can move through them with ease. The course is dripped out to you each week so you don’t get overwhelmed. You'll go through a specific process I've curated to help you uncover & rediscover who you truly are that will help you start to live the life you deeply desire. I'll be guiding you through the entire way to help you move through what I know is going to come up for you after successfully coaching people sober for over 8 years. The goal of this course is to help get to the root of your drinking, rewire your beliefs & give you the tools you need create an alcohol free lifestyle that feels good.
Being sober is something ONLY YOU can do for yourself. Therefore, I'm a big believer in learning how to coach yourself because let's face it - that's what you will have to do in those moments when that drinking voice strikes and you have to talk yourself off the ledge. So, this is a self-paced program where you will be given the tools you need to self-coach yourself and transform your relationship with alcohol for good with video lessons, inquiry-based homework assignments, journaling, meditations and tools to help you learn who you are, how to trust yourself again & stop reaching for a drink and instead reach for the life you truly want instead. You'll have lifetime access so you can take your time going through it and can come back to as many times as you need.
The inquiry work is a MAJOR component to this program. Because it is self-paced and you will be self-coaching yourself (with my help), you MUST do the assignments and not skip over anything. The assignments are all there for a very specific reason even if they feel silly, you have resistance or you’re afraid of what may come up. The more you allow yourself to go deep into the work of this course, the better your results will be.
You'll also be encouraged to participate with the content, interact with each other inside the course and you’ll have space on each of the lessons to share what's coming up for you, blocks you might be experiencing, connect the dots from the work you’ll be doing & help you stay accountable and celebrate your wins as you move through the program. Each student is highly encouraged to share and engage with the lessons and each other as the more you share, write, type things out and interact, the more the information gets programmed into your subconscious.
Program Overview
The Alcohol Free Accelerator™, aka AFA, is a fresh, holistic approach to finding freedom from alcohol. It’s an 8-Week, comprehensive program designed to help you quit drinking by creating a life you don’t want to escape. AFA uses a proven, holistic methodology that has helped many people successfully change their relationship to alcohol, for good.
In the course of 8 weeks, you will be given lessons from me each week to take you on the journey of confidently stepping into your new alcohol free life. I’ll be teaching you everything I know about saying goodbye to alcohol and help you get to the real root of why you are drinking.
This process is designed to help you self-coach yourself & completely recreate your lifestyle. If that sounds scary, don’t worry – we do it in a way that feels good, builds upon itself and allows you space to move through the process in a methodical and logical way.
People often tell me it is exactly what they needed, when they needed it, as they needed it.
My philosophy in life and sobriety is: Everything is touching everything. So, therefore we look at all the different areas of your life and how they are contributing to your happiness or derailing you and we fix them.
Here's what you can expect in our 8 weeks together:
Week 1: Clarity
You’ll be given a program overview and you will begin to take a thorough, honest look at where you are at and how you got here. This week will help you identify the root of why you are or were drinking in the first place so you can lay the foundation to change it. It will also prepare you for the road ahead.
Week 2: Realignment
You’ll be given powerful tools and exercises to help you better understand who you are and what’s truly important to you. You’ll also gain insight into where the core of your decisions come from and why you are experiencing cognitive dissonance from drinking.
Week 3: Acceptance
This is the cornerstone of the journey where you will learn about your fears, why moderation doesn't work and how to trust yourself again as you build your alcohol free muscles. You will deepen your commitment to the process of BEING alcohol free as you step into acceptance and reprogram your beliefs.
Week 4: Mindset
We will work on a complete rewiring of your mindset as you learn how to shift from reactionary decision-making into being intentional with your decisions. We will mentally prepare you for the longer game with powerful techniques and concepts to help you create lasting change..
Week 5: Rituals
You will learn all about the importance of self-care, routines and spiritual practices. We will also dive into nutrition, exercise, emotional intelligence & healing techniques. You will leave with a fully equipped toolbox to use regularly and you'll develop your own unique self love practices to help you navigate alcohol free life.
Week 6: Communication
This module is all about learning how to communicate better, set healthy boundaries, own your truth and discuss your alcohol free lifestyle with those closest to you with ease, confidence and grace. You will learn how to claim your new lifestyle as both a privilege and something you are proud of.
Week 7: Lifestyle
You will be given all the tips, tools and advice you'll need for being social, traveling and connecting without drinking. You'll leave with everything needed to step into an alcohol free LIFESTYLE as you root into a life you love and begin to BE a person who doesn't drink.
Week 8: Integration
We will tie everything together this week as you exit the program to make sure you are fully equipped and ready to sustain an alcohol free lifestyle. We will work this week to ignite a fire inside you and set you up with exciting goals to be up to something bigger than yourself and ensure your momentum keeps pulling you forward.
"So, can I afford this right now?"
The better question is can you afford NOT to?
The average drinker spends about $200/week on alcohol, not including Ubers, ordering things on Amazon when drunk or buying food to binge on. That works out to $800/month OR $9600 per year, give or take.
All that money spent on something that just keeps taking from you. First your money, then your sanity, then your health.
Alcohol and the perceived benefits we think it brings us are very short-lived, however drinking against what your soul is saying causes damage, long-term.
So, not only are you paying with money, you're also paying with your mental health, physical health and emotional well being.
Most people who try to quit drinking try all the things - moderation, rules, taking "a break," starting and stopping, and getting stuck in the vicious cycle of drinking over and over again.
The honest question you need to ask yourself is: What is it costing you to KEEP drinking?
What if you made this change now, once and for all - what would that look like? What would it save you?
Would it be worth it to you, financially, mentally, emotionally, physically to FINALLY get off the alcohol hamster wheel?
Would you be willing to take some of that money you're investing in alcohol and hangovers, and instead spend it on YOURSELF?
Here's the deal I've made this program as affordable as possible while still requiring you to invest in yourself enough to have skin in the game and make it mean something.
I wanted to make it affordable, but know it's important to also make it something that you won't blow off, forget about or let collect dust as a bookmark on the Interwebs or folder on your computer that become something you "meant to start."
You can get started TODAY for as little as $44! (Pay Plan Available)
Get started on 8-weeks of life-changing work for the cost of a bar tab.
Money you're going to spend anyways... so why not spend it on yourself and a change that has the potential to shift the trajectory of your whole life?
If you're like the average drinker, and you quit drinking now with this program, it could save you upwards of almost $50,000 ($4800/yr x 10) or more over the course of 10 years...
Imagine what you could do with all that? Imagine the freedom you'd feel with no hangovers & this extra money in the bank?
I don't know about you, but to me, it's a no brainer.
Here's what past students are saying about it...
Going ALL IN on this process was so huge. Throughout the program, I was eating up every single module and I can finally say I’m committed to the path of being alcohol free, which I never thought would happen for me. I can’t believe I did this for myself. I just hit 100 days and I know it was because I decided to make the commitment and chose to really work on myself by signing up for this. I never thought I’d be able to do this, but I made a conscious choice to do this program and become alcohol free. I can’t believe in 8 weeks I was able to progressively shift and change my life. Thank you so much for helping me create the life I wanted so badly. I wouldn’t have been able to do this without you or this program. There were many times along this path where I may have drank, but because of the trainings and accountability, I stuck with it and I’m so happy I did!
Thank you for this program. This program showed up when I needed it and when I was ready for it. The way you laid it out is exactly what I needed. Being alcohol free is the coolest feeling ever and it’s crazy to think this all happened in just 2 months. This time feels so different and locked in for me. I feel so resolved in being alcohol free. There is no question about it anymore thanks to this program.
I really want to thank you for helping me work through everything. The results I feel already, in less than 2 months, is completely mind blowing. You have helped me reach a state of happiness, hope, love of life, and wellbeing that I had no idea was possible. It’s like you’ve open the doors in my mind to an incredibly amazing universe that I really feel like I am an active part of. So much of the shit that was clouding my existence has just melted away into insignificance. Your energy and sincere caring have made it such an easy process for me. You’re really an incredible person and amazing at what you do. Your sincerity and energy have really been the key that is making this whole thing work for me, which I felt was lacking in all the other things I've tried in the past that have failed. Thank you for changing my life in such a beautiful way
I’m excited about life again and feel like I have a huge opportunity in the next 20-30 years with my family and career. I’m going to make my kids proud and I know they will remember this part of my life and me [going alcohol free]. The transformation that I was able make when I put my mind to just doing it has been incredible the last 8 weeks. I’ve been missing out this whole time with drinking. I can’t believe it! Being alcohol free now thanks to this program has been a game changer. Carly does a really good job of personalizing things in the program. I always felt like she really cared and made it a point to provide a level of service that felt tailored to me. This whole training program was exactly what I was looking for to make this all stick.
After this program I feel like I’m on the right path now. Everything I’ve learned and was able to work through has been so helpful. My routines are now something to look forward to. I’m also looking forward to not having regrets anymore. It’s a new beginning and sense of hope and excitement that I have. I’m ready to live a life that I’m proud of. Working with Carly has taught me about the importance self care and a totally new way of doing things. I have so much respect for you and what you are doing and how you have dramatically helped me. I just can't thank you enough for everything I've learned in working with you
I appreciate everything you have done for me through this program and all the work you have put into this. I showed up anxious and scared and I feel so much better overall now that I haven’t drank in 2 months. You gave me the tools to work through something I didn’t have the confidence to do on my own. I can’t imagine going back to drinking now. Thank you so much!
Carly, I want to thank you for all you have done for me. Not just the coaching sessions, but all the articles and sharing your story. I like how you include the struggles you are going through, how you overcome them or allow yourself to just feel those feelings for a moment. Too often, I believe I am not doing something right, because I am not always happy or have a bad day. Realizing other successful people - like yourself - also have those struggles too and are still awesome has helped me move forward much better. You are so inspiring and honest. Thank you for all you do and give. You have been a great influence to me, and I want to thank you. I always go back to the notes and homework from this program. Thank you for giving yourself to this world like you do. I have the tools I need now thanks to this program with you.
Working with Carly has completely changed my life. If you are thinking taking this program, do it NOW. I’m happily living a sober life thanks to her and I couldn’t be more thankful.
Part of the reason I chose to do this program with Carly was because of who she is and the life she lives is exactly what I want. “Sober not boring” really is a thing and I have learned that I can do this for myself. I know I’m a better version of myself. I needed to see the model of it from Carly. Couldn’t have learned this in a meeting or a book. I needed to see it and have someone really show me the way. I really have built this awesome life that I truly do love and I feel so empowered now. That’s why this program really works and is so different from other things out there. Alcohol has really started to fade to the background for me. It is truly in my rearview. I can’t believe that in just 8 weeks I was able to do a complete 180 with my drinking. Its mind boggling to me that I don’t think about it nearly as much. It feels so surreal now to be at the end of this program. I’m so thankful – this has changed my life.
This program helped me to really understand that what goes on in the mind creates your reality. I can now see how I became addicted to alcohol as a result of my personality and understanding how this happened. It’s very freeing of my energy to know that. This program really helped to answer the big question of “why me” and to feel less shame. I feel like I have tools now and I can stop and think in the moment of a craving. I have permission to feel now. I know that being alcohol free is now my reality. I feel like the program and changing my relationship with alcohol was so successful. It was just what I needed and helped me with soul searching and tools I needed. I really commend you for what you have created, Carly. I feel like this has been a rebirth for me. Thank you for putting this program together. It’s complete and it’s unique and I found it super enlightening.
This process was broken down in a way that makes the idea of living AF so much more doable, attainable and enjoyable than anything I’ve ever done in the past. I really feel like I rebuilt a feeling for myself that I want to be alcohol free and I can do it."
Being sober is SO much more than not drinking or using.
It's a lifestyle of radical clarity, presence, self-development & adventure into possibility.
This course is for people who are ready to commit to going ALL IN on going alcohol-free once and for all.
Here’s the deal - I want to be uber clear that this course works if you go ALL IN and do the work.
The work is going to ask you to go deep and get to the core of yourself. Because at the end of the day, not drinking is about SO MUCH more than not drinking and if you’re familiar with my work, you know that I’m here to nudge you into playing WAY bigger in life and living a life you wake up to feeling happy and proud.
At the end of the day, your success is my success and I want to see you winning, which means we need to set the tone that your goal in signing up is to become happily alcohol free.
This course is not a Dry July, Sober October or 30 Day Reset. Sure you can use it for that if you want, but this is really designed for those who are serious about freeing themselves from the chains of alcohol.
If you're just warming up to quitting drinking, you may like my 40-Day Sober Mindset Course - The Philosophy of Sobriety, a more sober curious program that can help you get your feet wet, try it on and play in your sober curiosity.
THIS course, however, is for those brave souls who have moved from the curious stage to the determined stage. They've likely tried moderating, rules, other programs, etc. and they know their soul is READY to break up with alcohol for good. They are ready for a BIGGER, more expansive life.
To be clear, I don't teach moderation because I find that when trying to moderate, alcohol still consumes so much of your energy and headspace. I know the sooner you stop banging your head against with trying to "just have one," the happier you will be.
This is for people who are COMMITTED to finding something that sticks, doing the work and who have likely tried other programs or modalities in the past that have not worked.
This is for people who are ready to remember who the F they are and stop letting alcohol make them be someone they are not.
By you signing up, I’m giving you access to my blueprint for becoming alcohol free, insider access to some pretty potent sober energy as well as exactly what has worked for many others as you’ve seen.
This is a systemized program that will help you self-coach yourself as you build your very own path into freedom. Because this is a self-paced program, you will need to be hyper-committed, coachable, accountable and ready to invest time into yourself as you embark on the path to your sustainable alcohol free life.
This is for the ones who know they are sleeping on their true potential and are ready to step up, level up & break up with alcohol for good.
Still need more proof this works? Check out these messages from happy & successful past clients

If this is speaking to you...
I want to invite you to come on this journey! Click the button below and you’ll get instant access to the week one modules and from there each week new lessons will unlock for you to help you keep a healthy pace.
If you’ve read this far, I can tell you – you are ready, my friend, and THIS, this is your sign, your moment, THE time to make this whole quitting drinking thing actually work for you.
I've spent years studying and researching all aspects of addiction, in therapy, working with my own coaches, diving deep into my own recovery since 2008 and I have multiple certifications in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, This Naked Mind, Breathwork, Trauma and many other healing and high performance modalities.
I've dedicated most of my adult life to teaching this and know what it takes to build an alcohol free life that's sustainable, long-term.
This comprehensive, holistic approach to becoming and living alcohol-free was very carefully, thoughtfully and methodically designed over the course of years and thousands of hours studying and working with others. If it can work for me and them, it can work for you!
You deserve to be FREE!
Don't Let Fear Keep You Stuck...
Ok, so you’re one of the ones who reads all the way to the bottom of the page. :) I find that most people who have read this far are on the fence about doing this for one reason: FEAR.
They are questioning if they are ready, if they can actually do this, what people will think, if they should spend money on this and if it's worth it. All valid questions. All only truly answered if you do it and see for yourself instead of letting your imagination tell you silly stories.
There is something inside you that called you here, to this page, in this moment in time.
Let's get you on the path to freedom right now before that drinking voice in your head tries to talk you out of it and tell you all the ways this can’t work, you don’t have the time, you don’t have the money, you need to ask for permission from someone else, and all the other excuses it will make when you are about to tell it to goodbye.
That’s the thing, that voice – the same one that gets you to drink even when you say you don't want to – is not going to go out without kicking and screaming. When you are about to make a big change of this magnitude (because trust me it is BIGGER than you think), that part of your mind is gonna go bananas.
It’s going to switch right on over into survival mode to try to keep you safe by keeping you small - in the known, the familiar, the “comfortable.” But what is required of you to quit drinking is actually to step into the unknown, the unfamiliar and get a little uncomfortable.
Don’t worry it doesn’t last for as long as your drinking voice would have you think. In a short amount of time you will be looking back and wondering why you waited so long to make this change and what you were so afraid of.
Being sober and living without alcohol does take courage. But that courage is rewarded, handsomely. This I know for sure. I also know you CAN do this! If I can and many of my clients can, I know in my bones that you can too.
So, what do you say? Are you ready to say YES to the life you keep day dreaming about and make alcohol an insignificant part of it, once and for all?
Take the leap. You deserve to wake up each day feeling good about who you are, the life you are creating and your ability to experience life without poison, a-hem, alcohol.
Your alcohol-free self is waiting for you to accept the invitation and see who you really are underneath all the noise.
Frequently Asked Questions
What do I get when I sign up?
You'll get a welcome email with all the details you need to get started AND immediate access into the introduction to the program & all of week one modules & work.
How do I access the trainings?
You will login to our clients only portal, which also has an app you can download. Each week for 8 weeks you will get a new week of modules, which are all self-paced.
What is your refund policy?
All sales are final. By signing up you are agreeing to our terms & conditions.
Are there payment options & will the program run again?
The program doors are always open. However, the pricing & payment options will vary. If it's on SALE now, don't wait!
What about confidentiality?
Your personal info will not be share, per our Privacy Policy. You can choose what you share, the name you go by & your level of engagement on the program lessons.
Who is this for?
It's for anyone who is committed to changing their relationship with alcohol - whether newly sober, trying to quit or someone who’s sober, but hasn’t really done “the work” around staying sober.
Does this program use Facebook?
No, we do not use Facebook and all activity is done in a private clients only portal. We like to keep our convos in a more private environment.
Will I get 1:1 coaching from Carly?
This is not a 1:1 coaching program. Carly will be teaching you how to self-coach yourself. You will have access to ask her & her team any questions you have.
Do I have to turn in assignments or quit drinking on day 1?
You'll be encouraged to share your takeaways & questions on the lessons as an optional way to stay accountable. There is no requirement that you quit drinking immediately, but I can tell you the sooner you do, the more you will get out of this work.
How long do I have access?
You will have lifetime access & you'll also have access to all future updates. So, you'll be able to go back through it as many times as you want.
How is this different from the Philosophy of Sobriety course?
Great question! The 40-Day POS course is mindset & philosophy based and was not designed to help you quit drinking. This program is a MUCH deeper dive into the roots of your drinking and will help you completely rebuild your life with step by step guidance on how to quit drinking over 8 (very full) weeks. It goes way more in depth and rather than philosophic concepts, although you will here some of them again, this program is truly designed to help people quit drinking in a very methodical way.
The Alcohol Free Accelerator will give you the tools you need to create a life you no longer want to escape & embrace a lifestyle without alcohol.
So, what are you waiting for?
Need the formal credentials?
Carly Benson is a Certified Life Coach through Light University as well as a Certified This Naked Mind Coach. Carly is trained in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with The Beck Institute, which is great for guiding her clients with anxiety, depression and compulsiveness. She has also participated in the coaching program, Design Your Life, with The Handel Group. Carly completed her Yoga Teacher Training at the Baptiste Institute and is a Certified Baptiste Instructor (300 hr RYT) and is also a certified Breathwork Teacher. Additionally, she has trained with some incredible people such as Dr. Joe Dispenza, Tony Robbins, Deepak Chopra, Brendon Buchard & Gabby Bernstein to name a few. Carly work has reached thousands worldwide and she is known around the globe for her highly successful track record in teaching people to find true freedom from alcohol. You can read more about her here.