Surrender Is An Invitation For Greatness

Carly BensonSobriety, Spirituality

surrender is an invitation for greatness

This past month I’ve been spending some time in inquiry of what it truly means to surrender. This has always been a topic near and dear to my heart because the day I got sober was a moment of sweet surrender for me in which my life was changed forever. That day on August 17, 2008 I got down on … Read More

Seeing Things With New Eyes

Carly BensonSobriety, Transformation

carly benson miracles are brewing

Last weekend I shared a post on my Instagram, and it was a very powerful and shifting realization for me. So, I figured I should share it here with you as well. As I was sitting in my backyard, early on Saturday morning, I was enjoying my homemade BulletProof coffee with my dog, Elly, and I ironically found myself enjoying … Read More

Sometimes In The Being Is The Becoming

Carly BensonAffirmations, Sobriety

the being is the becoming carly benson miracles are brewing roses

I’d love to say these are “just because” roses, but they’re not. They are because I completely lost my cool the other day for reasons that seemed immensely important to me and there’s apology tucked in these stems. But that’s beside the point. The truth is sometimes I get angry. Like if I’m being really honest, tantrums are no stranger … Read More

Let’s Give Ourselves Some Grace

Carly BensonPersonal Development

give yourself some grace miracles are brewing carly benson

They always say, “We teach what we need to learn.” I was on a sobriety coaching call recently and could feel their emotions rising. We took a time out and I expressed how important it is to extend grace to ourselves. Especially when change is ripe upon us and things are moving and shifting around at a rapid pace. I … Read More

You Are Right Where You Should Be

Carly BensonAffirmations, Spirituality

when angels are near feathers appear miracles are brewing

I found this feather at the top floor of a parking garage where there’s literally no birds. The chances of this feather falling and landing right on my path in front of my car are very slim. I couldn’t help but think it was planted right there, just for me. It’s said, “When angels are near, feathers appear.” It was a … Read More

Making Now Matter

Carly BensonAffirmations

carly benson reflection gratitude miracles are brewing

I just finished up an amazing event in Scottsdale called The New Way Live and I’m buzzing with energy, ideas and inspiration. The event was for millennials who are trying to make an impact through mindful and spiritual based businesses and it offered new perspectives for freely living, courageously leading, creatively earning and consciously giving. The wisdom and perspective shared … Read More

Never Give Up On Your Dreams

Carly BensonAffirmations, Personal Development

carly benson san diego cowels mountain hike

I visited San Diego for the first time in 2005 and absolutely loved it. I remember driving around La Jolla looking at the houses for sale with an inquiring mind as to if I could live here, one day. At the time everything seemed so expensive, which made this dream become one of those off in the distant ones. So, … Read More

A Simple Reminder To Be Kind

Carly BensonAffirmations

miracles are brewing kindness san diego

Our lives can get so busy and hectic that sometimes we forget to take time out to extend kindness or a helping hand to people around us. This past weekend I was given a gentle and simple reminder about why kindness is so important. As most of you know, I’ve been gearing up to head out to Cali and shake … Read More