Significant life change starts with a simple change of perspective and is sustained through the practice of unconditional gratitude. -Carly Benson I just got back from an amazing trip to Cabo San Lucas, where I was celebrating my commitment to major life change, exercising constant courage and the anniversary of my retirement from a deep-seeded career in alcohol and cocaine … Read More
A Healthy Habit For Happiness
Knowing what you want in life is the first step towards reaching what happiness looks like to you. When we learn to say yes when we mean yes and no when we mean no, we begin to build our lives based on our non-negotiables. Giving clarity to what we are willing to compromise on and what we are not is … Read More
11 Ways To Cultivate More Happiness
People often ask me if I have always been this happy. While it makes me smile to know that people can genuinely see or feel my happiness it wasn’t always so. Not only that, but I definitely still have my days and moments where everything is not unicorns and rainbows. The difference between now and when I used to “think” … Read More
A Reminder To Let Go
I recently bought a necklace in Los Angeles. It’s a weathered gold necklace with an old key on the end of it. A key someone used to own to what I would imagine was a mailbox of some kind. I bought the necklace because it had the words “Let Go,” engraved on it. I thought it was a nice reminder … Read More
The Game Before The Game
We’ve all had something in life that we have prepared for or even fought for. Whether it was a goal, an event, training for something or a dream we are chasing. When I recently watched the Beats By Dre World Cup commercial, I could not help but be inspired and to ultimately question my faith. If you have not watched … Read More
An Exercise For Living In The Present Moment
Living in the present moment is a practice that takes time, real mindfulness and it must be exercised like anything else you are trying to build upon. During a meditation and prayer time, I stumbled upon an exercise for living in the present moment that has started a shift in my life and helped me to see the benefits of … Read More
Our Thoughts Lead Our Lives
Sometimes I write in the moment when I’m feeling inspired. The following is an excerpt from my iPhone notes from last February that I just stumbled upon. I think I was traveling to NYC and this came over me – a raw and unedited stream of consciousness about how our thoughts lead our lives. As I peer out of the … Read More
Let Peace Be Your Guide
As I was watching Joel Osteen a couple weekends ago, he touched on something that really resonated with me. His sermon challenged the audience to see how closely they are listening to the subtle clues that come from within each and everyday. He nailed it when he said, “Let peace be your guide.” When I think back to all my … Read More
Just Be Patient
As I was enjoying my morning coffee and quiet time a couple weeks ago, thinking and praying, I found myself getting very caught up in the future. Trying to plan things out and make a road map for exactly what I was going to do, where I wanted to go, and how I wanted things to unfold. As my thoughts … Read More
30 Things Happy People Believe
Miracles Brewers I have some exciting news! At the beginning of the year, a goal was set to branch out, spread the wings and send some writing off to other sites for exposure as well as to grow as a writer. One of my very favorite sites for fun, eloquent and extremely authentic article reading is Thought Catalog. It is … Read More